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Amiga Explorer Serial Number

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 20/11/17

CONTENTS OF DISK 1 ================== amigademoGraphical benchmark for comparing amigas. Author: Charlie Heath (MicroSmiths) amigatermTerminal emulation program with xmodem upload/download capability. Author: Michael Mounier balls Simulation of the 'kinetic thingy' with balls on strings where only the end balls move (quick, can YOU come up with a better description?). Anyway, cute.

Author: Perry Kivolowitz colorfulShows off use of hold-and-modify mode. Posted to usenet by Robert Pariseau. DhrystoneDhrystone benchmark program. Author: Reinhold Weicker (Ada version) Rick Richardson (C version) dotty Source to the 'dotty window' demo on the Workbench disk.

Posted to usenet by Dale Luck. FreedrawA small 'paint' type program. Free drawing, boxes, filled boxes, etc. Author: Rick Ross gad 'Fun with Gadgets'. Demonstration program for use of gadgets.

User-Agent Strings - MS IE - Full. We keep only the most current and major releases in the main page. This is the complete list of all MS Internet Explorer strings.

Author: John Draper (Aka 'crunch') gfxmem Graphical memory usage display program. Watch your machine's memory usage! Cute and useful. Author: Louis Mamakos halfbriteSample program that demonstrates 'Extra-Half-Brite' mode on latter AMIGA's with new VLSI chip. Allows 64 colors in low-res mode, rather than 32. Posted to usenet by Robert Pariseau.

Amiga Explorer Serial Number

Hello Demonstrates creation of a simple window, 'hello world'. Posted to usenet by Eric Lavitsky. Latffp Shows how to access the Motorola Fast Floating Point library from Lattice C. Also demonstrates the tremendous speedup obtained.

Amiga Explorer Serial Number

Author: Larry Hildenbrand palette Sample program for designing color palettes. Author: Charlie Heath trackdiskDemonstrates use of the trackdisk driver. Useful example of 'raw' disk read/write. Author: Rob Peck requestersSample program and documentation for building and using requesters. John worked REAL hard to dig out all the information in this one! Author: John Draper (aka 'crunch') speech Sample speech demo program.

Stripped down version of 'speechtoy'. Author: Rob Peck speechtoyAnother speech demo program.

You have to see this one. Be sure to click gadget that pops up the face. Author: David Lucas CONTENTS OF DISK 2 ================== alib Object module librarian. Author: Mike Schwartz cc Unix-like frontend for Lattice C compiler. Author: Fred Fish dbug Macro based C debugging package. Machine independent. Provides function trace, selective printing of internal state information, and more.

Author: Fred Fish make Subset of 'unix' make command. Useful, but does not have many of the features of the full make, much less the newer 'augmented make'. Author: Landon Dyer make2 Another make subset command. Author: Marc Mengel microemacsSmall, relatively portable version of emacs. Has keyboard macros. No extension language. Author: Dave Conroy portar Portable archiver.

Used to bundle text file up into a single file for transmission as a unit, or otherwise handling as a single file. 'Portable' because the code itself is portable and because the archive format is very simple (uses ascii headers to separate files). From Decus C distribution. Author: Martin Minow xrf C cross reference utility. Originally from Decus C distribution. Author: Bob Denny CONTENTS OF DISK 3 ================== gothic Gothic banner printer. Prints DOWN the page, rather than across, so arbitrarily long banners can be created.

Send EOF (CTRL- ) to end input. From a Decus C distribution several years ago. Author: unknown roff A 'roff' type text formatter, roughly following 'Software Tools' version. Somewhat upwardly compatible with unix 'nroff' command. Author Ken Yap ff A very fast text formatter, controlled exclusively by command line arguments. Author: Gary Perlman & hordes of students cforth A highly portable forth implementation.

Lots of goodies. Author: Allan Pratt xlisp A nice little lisp implementation. Compiles and links ok, but something in the Lattice C setjmp/longjmp code prevents it from currently running. Might be easily fixed. Version 1.4 Author: David Betz CONTENTS OF DISK 4 ================== banner Prints horizontal banner (across screen). From Decus C distribution of several years ago.

Author: Unknown bgrep Another grep like utility, also using the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Author: Roy Mongiovi and Arnold Robbins bison A replacement for unix 'yacc' command. This is from the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained from the Free Software Foundation. Compiles and links (with some effort) but currently crashes the machine. Needs work, but will probably be worth it. Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman bm A grep like utility using the Boyer-Moore algorithm.

Author: Peter Bain grep Decus grep (Get Regular Expression and Print). Useful for finding strings in files. Author: Unknown kermit This is an absolutely ancient kermit, who's only saving grace is that it is small and quite portable. On the AMIGA, there is no connect mode, only send and receive.

You must log into the remote machine via one of it's local terminals and point it's kermit at the appropriate serial line connected to the AMIGA. Author: Unknown, but it is so hacked up it doesn't matter by now. MyCLI Another CLI for the AMIGA. Author: Mike Schwartz mandel A Mandelbrot set program. Author: Robert French, with additions by RJ Mical CONTENTS OF DISK 5 ================== cons Console device demo program with supporting macro routines. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 freemap Creates a visual diagram of free memory.

Comes with custom icon so can be run from workbench screen. Author: Robert J. Mical input.devIn combination with hander.interface.asm (supplied), lets a user trap keyboard or mouse events before they get to Intuition and if desired, install new (phony/generated/other-devices-mouse-simulations) into the input stream. Handler.interface.asm is needed to convert the calling sequence performed by the input.task for the input stream management into something that a C program can understand. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 joystickShows how to set up the gameport device as a joystick. Reports parameters received from joystick hooked to right port.

Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 keyboardSample program to demonstrate direct communications with the keyboard. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 layers Shows use of the layers library, used by Intuition to create windows (layers handles all overlapping drawing areas and keeps things straight, sending to the back, bringing to the front, making larger/smaller, etc.) Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 mandelbrotLatest and greatest mandelbrot program. New features include the ability to save images in 'iff' format, for reading into Deluxe Paint or other programs that use iff. Also includes code from GraphiCraft to handle color palette and change colors at will. Many additions by RJ Mical. Author: Robert French mouse Shows how to set up the gameport device as a mouse so that hooking up the mouse to the right port gives access to mouse information. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 one.windowProduces a window with a console attached.

Does graphics in the top half and limits the console activity to the lower half. Author: Rob Peck 12/18/85 parallelDemonstrates access to the parallel port. Author: Tom Pohorsky 12/1/85 printer Shows how to open and use a printer, does a screen dump of the workbench screen if there is a graphics-capable printer attached.

Currently does not compile under Lattice C Ver3.02 and does not link under Lattice C Ver3.03. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 print.supportPrinter support routines.

Currently won't compile, missing a header file 'local.h'. Author: unknown proctestSample code to create a process, set up message ports, pass messages, etc. Sample slave code for create process test (littleproc.c) currently does not link under either Lattice C 3.02 or 3.03 (unresolved global variables not in libraries). Author: Rob Peck 1/4/86 region Demonstrates how a drawing area can be split into linked rectangular regions.

Draws a rectangle in a single playfield display, then draws 'Behind a Fence' several times behind an apparent fence in the rectangle. Only works under Lattice Ver3.03. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 samplefontA sample font that produces clubs, hearts, spaces, and diamonds as its four characters. Shows precisely what is contained in an Amiga font. Author: Unknown serial Demonstrates access to the serial port.

Requires an external terminal connected to the serial port. Author: Unknown singlePlayfieldCreates and displays a 320 by 200 by 2 bit plane single playfield display. Completely covers Intuition's display, but gives the system back at exit. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 speechtoyLatest and greatest version of Dave's cute speech demo program. Comes with custom icon so can be run from a workbench screen. Author: Dave Lucas speech.demoA much simplified version of speechtoy. Also includes exec support functions for extended IO requests, CreateExtIO() to allocate and initialize a new IO request block and DeleteExtIO() to free an extended IO request block.

Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 text.demoSample program that asks AvailFonts() to make a list of the fonts that are available, then opens a window and then prints a description of the various attributes that can be applied to the fonts, in the font itself. Previous versions were released as 'whichfont'.

Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 timer Simple timer example program. Includes dynamic allocation of data structures needed to communicate with the timer device, as well as the actual device IO. Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85 trackdiskDemonstrates use of trackdisk driver. Useful example of 'raw' disk read/write. Author Rob Peck 12/1/85 CONTENTS OF DISK 6 ================== compressCompress reduces the size of the named files using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding.

The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of the input, the number of bits per code, and the distribution of common substrings. Typically, text such as source code or English is reduced by 50-60%.

Compression is generally much better then that achieved by Huffman coding (as used in 'pack') or adaptive Huffman coding (as used in 'compact'), and takes less time to compute. Great for saving disk space, or reducing transmission time over phone lines! Also includes 'btoa' and 'atob' for converting binary files to ascii, and then back to binary (for transmission over links that do not support 8 bits). Author: Thomas Spencer, with improvements by others dadc A digital computer impersonating an analog clock impersonating a digital clock.

Author: Perry S. Kivolowitz microemacsAn upgraded version of microemacs originally distributed on disk number 2. I don't have an exact list of changes but the new executable is about 25% larger, so there must be something in there!

One enhancement is that some functions are now also bound to function keys. Author: Dave Conroy, with enhancements by Jack Roose. Mult Mult reads the input comparing adjacent lines. In the normal case, the second and succeeding copies of repeated lines are output, and the remainder of the lines are removed. Repeated lines must be adjacent in order to be found. Options are present to output the first of multiple lines, for comparing adjacent lines by field only, and for specifying the field separator character. Kind of the opposite of the Unix 'uniq' program.

Author: Dennis Bednar scales Demonstrates use of the Audio functions in the ROM to produce four voice sound. It uses a simple waveform (sawtooth) with no amplitude control (ie, envelope) or frequency variation (ie, vibrato), but these can be easily implemented. Also includes considerable documentation on audio device. Author: Steven A. Bennett setparallelAllows the CLI user to dynamically change any particular parallel port parameter. Author: Keith Stobie and Tom Pohorsky setserialAllows the CLI user to dynamically change any particular serial port parameter. Author: Keith Stobie and Tom Pohorsky sortc A quicksort based sort program, using separate driver and sort modules.

Originally from a DECUS C distribution. Claims to be fast, but when operating entirely out of ram takes 93 seconds to sort its input file, sort.c, while AmigaDos's sort takes only 43 seconds under the same conditions. Author: Dave Conroy, Martin Minow, and Ray Van Tassle stripc Strips comments and extraneous whitespace from C source files. Useful for compacting the C header files to increase usable disk space. Author: Chris Metcalf CONTENTS OF DISK 7 ================== Hack This disk contains a port (executables only) of the popular UNIX game 'Hack', courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. This is Version 1.0.1.

CONTENTS OF DISK 8 ================== Hack It contains the source to 'Hack', a popular UNIX game ported to the AMIGA by John Toebes. Please read all the associated README files before redistributing with changes. CONTENTS OF DISK 9 ================== moire Draws moire patterns in black and white in a borderless backdrop window. Currently only runs with Lattice C version 3.02, when compiled with 3.03 crashes the system. Author: Scott Ballantyne MVP-FORTHMountain View Press Forth, version 1.00.03A.

A shareware version of forth from Fantasia Systems. Runable from the workbench, comes with icons and such. If you use this, you should send a contribution to Fantasia Systems Mountain View Press. Proff Another text formatting program. This one is significantly more powerful than any of the others previously distributed on these disks. Setlace Program to toggle interlace mode on and off.

When used with a black background, and amber or green characters, produces a nice CLI environment. Author: Bob Pariseau, Nov 85 skewb Not quite sure what this is supposed to be, it was downloaded from a bbs with no documentation. C'mon folks, at least put a three line description at the start of your programs! Author: Raymond S. Brand sparks Graphics demo that draws a 'moving pathway', adding to the front and removing from the tail (sure is hard to come up with verbal descriptions of these things!). Author: Scott Ballantyne CONTENTS OF DISK 10 =================== conquestYou control an interstellar empire, decide which star systems to explore, which planets to colonize, etc.

The computer will also be building its own empire and competing with you for resources. The one with the greatest population at the end wins. Executable only, no source. Downloaded from Denver BBS. Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Rob Shimbo dehex Simple little program to convert hex format file into a binary file.

Reads lines of hex characters on stdin and writes 8 bit dehex'd bytes to stdout. Author: Fred Fish filezap Patch program for any type of file. Executable only, no source available. Author: John Hodgson fixobj Strip extraneous garbage off end of object files transfered with xmodem. Does not require preknowledge of actual file length, uses knowledge of Amiga file structure. Author: John Hodgson iff Routines to read and write iff format files. Includes program to display iff files made by DPaint.

Also see the DPSlide program on disk 11. Author: Jerry Morrison, Steve Shaw, and Steve Hayes ld I presume this stands for 'list directory'. Lists contents of specified diretory or disk, using inverse video and colors to group objects by type. Author: Dave Haynie ls Minimal implementation of UNIX ls. Demonstrates use of UNIX style filename pattern matching code. Author: Rick Schaeffer sq.usq Squeeze and unsqueeze, from the CPM world.

Works, but 'compress' from disk 6 runs almost twice as fast and produces even smaller files. Greenlaw, Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer trek73 A Star Trek game. This one is just crying out to be Amiga'ized by some ambitious hacker. Authors: Many, see comment in main.c yachtc Dice game.

Author: Sheldon Leemon CONTENTS OF DISK 11 =================== dpslide A slide show program for displaying graphic images which are in the iff format, such as output from the Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint program. Allows the user to select the display time for each slide and the method of bringing the slide up to the screen, and then removing it. Double buffers images to improve smoothness of display. Author: Paul Biondo picturesMiscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff format. Some are rated R.

CONTENTS OF DISK 12 =================== BBS StuffNote that this disk contains a number of programs apparently available only in executable form. I am not real happy with this trend, but had no way of getting in contact with the authors who posted these programs to various BBS's to request source. I have no reason to believe that any of these executable only postings contain any deliberate 'misfeatures', but you should always use such programs cautiously. Amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid 'Amiga sign'. No source available, executable only (downloaded from a Denver BBS) Author: Barry (bart) Whitebook of C-A ArgoTermYet another terminal emulator program. However, this one is written in macro assembler, so should be of interest to anyone doing serious assembly language development. Version 0.20 Author: Jez San arrow3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional wire frame arrow.

No source available, executable only (downloaded from a Denver BBS) Author: Steve Beats of C-A ld4 Another directory listing program using some graphics style output. Executable only, no source available. (Downloaded from a Denver BBS) Author: unknown IconExec & SetWindowThese two tools allow execution of a program from an icon without having to recompile the program.

Author: John Toebes VIII images Miscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff format. Some are rated R. SetAlternateMerge the images from two icons to produce one icon with a primary image, and a possibly completely different image to display when selected. Author: John Toebes VIII StarTermAnother terminal emulator program. ASCII and XMODEM support, telephone dialer, function keys, load file stripping, text file conversion, full/half duplex, Author: Jim Nangano and Steve Plegge CONTENTS OF DISK 13 =================== Basic ProgramsIt is a grab bag of basic programs, mostly untested.

No speekee basic so if these don't work, call someone else. CONTENTS OF DISK 14 =================== amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid 'AMIGA' sign. This is an updated version of the program released on disk number 12, and now includes full source. Author: Barry Whitebook @ Commodore-Amiga beep Source for a function that generates a beep sound, like CTRL-G on a VT100 terminal. Author: Samuel Dicker @ Commodore-Amiga dex Program to extract documentation in a human readable format inside source files, and produce nroff style output for manuals and other such external documents. First ever public release.

Author: Fred Fish dimensionsPrograms to demonstrate three and four dimensional graphics. Not quite sure how else to describe them! Author: Anselm Hook filezap An updated version of the file zap utility first released on disk number 10.

Can be used to patch any type of file. Nice, and VERY useful. Author: John Hodgson gfxmem An updated version of the graphical memory display program first released on disk number 1.

Watch your machine's memory usage change dynamically under use! Author: Louis Mamakos gi Converts DPaint brush files to C source files 'necessary to create an Image structure, including height, width, depth, and color information, as well as the array of data which represents the bit planes of the image'. Author: Mike Farren pdterm A simple terminal emulator that does ANSI or DEC VT-100 emulation in 80 cols by 25 lines. Version 1.21.

Author: Michael McInerny shell A simple csh style shell with history and some other goodies. Still needs some polishing and enhancement, but is quite nice as it. Thanks Matt!!! We've really needed something like this for a long time.

Now if you would just do a ksh version instead. Author: Matt Dillon termcap A (mostly) unix compatible implementation of a termcap library.

First ever public release. Author: Fred Fish CONTENTS OF DISK 15 =================== Blobs A simple graphics program, reminiscent of the unix 'worms' program, but in color of course. Author: Peter Engelbrite Clock A simple digital clock program designed to be small and to live completely in the screen title bar, where it is out of the way. Author: Mike Meyer Dazzle An eight-fold symmetry dazzler program.

Really pretty! Author: Peter Engelbrite Fish 'A demo program which runs an AnimOb in a double buffered screen with sequence cycled animation'. (Basically shows a fish 'swimming' across the top of the screen). Author: Catherine Wagner (posted by Barry Whitebook) MonopolyA really nice monopoly game written in AbasiC. Follow the directions in the file 'InstallationGuide' to produce a bootable games disk.

Author: David Addison OkidataDumpOkidata ML92 driver and WorkBench screen dump program. Does both alpha and graphics. Untested (I don't have the printer) Author: Raimund Gluecker PolydrawA drawing program written in AbasiC. Author: David Addison PolyfractalsA fractal program written in AbasiC. Author: David Addison CONTENTS OF DISK 16 =================== Developer's IFFThis is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and redistribute. CONTENTS OF DISK 17 =================== HAM Graphics DemoThis is a copy of a H.A.M. (Hold And Modify) graphics demo disk received from a vendor that is producing hardware to capture such images, and software to process them.

CONTENTS OF DISK 18 =================== AmigaDisplayYet another variation of a terminal emulator program. This is a modified AmigaTerm that can emulate a dumb terminal (interesting paradox here somewhere.), translate line termination sequences, optionally capture or discard control characters in the captured file, use audible bell, use another font, etc. Author: Don Woods (Original code by Michael Mounier) Ash Prerelease version of a C-shell like shell program. Has history, command substitution, loops, etc. Author: Thorn Smith Browser A program that lets you wander around a file tree and peek into files, all with the mouse.

Author: Mike (I'll be mellow when I'm dead) Meyer MC68010 Complete information package for upgrading an Amiga to use an MC68010 in place of the MC68000. Includes a software fix that makes this transparent to user programs that use instructions that are priviledged on the 68010. Author: Thad Floryan MultidimLets you rotate a 2 to 6 dimensional 'cube' on the screen using the joystick. Author: Robert French PigLatinTired of the 'say' command? This one will translate and speak your input in pig latin!

Author: Thomas Clement ScrimperShort for 'SCReen IMage PrintER'. A screen dump utility which can be run from the workbench or the CLI. Author: Perry Kivolowitz Xlisp1.6A very nice little lisp for those that want to study the internals of a real, working lisp interpreter. Author: Dave Betz CONTENTS OF DISK 19 =================== BlackJackA line oriented (no graphics) blackjack game. Author: Unknown JayMinerSlidesThese are the Amiga slides produced/used by Jay Miner (the designer of Amiga's custom graphics chips) in his talks about the Amiga. They are all hi-res (640 x 400) and are best displayed on a long-persistence color monitor. Keymap_TestA program to test the keymapping routines and find possible bugs.

Useful as an example of keymapping. Author: Pushpa Kumar LockMon Find file locks. Useful for discovering if programs properly clean up after themselves.

Author: Dewi Williams CONTENTS OF DISK 20 =================== AmigaToAtariSource code for an Amiga to Atari ST object code format converter. Takes Amiga objects as input and produces Atari objects as output. This allows the Amiga to be used as a cross development machine providing the proper libraries are available. (Currently does not work, but I don't have an ST to try it with anyway.) Author: Landon Dyer at Atari Corp. DiskSalvProgram to recover files from a trashed AmigaDOS disk. Can also 'undelete' files deleted by mistake, so long as they have not overwritten by further disk activity. Requires two disk drives.

Author: Dave Haynie Hash Small example program that computes the AmigaDOS directory hash function. Author: Neil Katin at Commodore-Amiga Hd Hex dump utility using some ideas from Mike Higgin's article in Computer Language magazine, Apr 86. Formats the dump based on the natural byte ordering of the machine on which it runs. Author: David Elins at NEC Information Systems MandelBrotsSome mandelbrot images submitted for the 'mandelbrot images contest' some months ago.

Only three people submitted mandelbrots and these were among the most interesting. MultiTaskingTutorial and example program for multitasking at the Exec level. Author: Leo L. Schwab Pack Program to strip extraneous whitespace from C programs or header files. Can be used to condense the C compiler header files to free up disk space. Author: Jeff Dickson PortHandlerAuthor: A sample Port-Handler program that performs the functions of the standard Port-Handler. Shows what the BCPL environment looks like from the handler point of view.

Author: John Toebus VIII Random Random number generator in assembly. Much faster than versions using floating point. Can be used by either assembly or C programs. Author: Steve Beats at Commodore-Amiga SetMouse2Program to set the mouse port to either the left port or right port. Author: Robert Burns at Commodore-Amiga SpeechTermTerminal emulator that can speak the received text.

Also has XMODEM file transfer. Author: Leftheris Koutsofios Ted Demo version of an editor that has since been renamed as TXed (I believe). Author: Charles Heath at MicroSmiths CONTENTS OF DISK 21 =================== Mandelbrot Set ExplorerThis is a copy of Thomas Wilcox's Mandelbrot Set Explorer disk.

It contains extensive on- line help information, unlike other Mandelbrot programs distributed in this library. It also is capable of displaying some very pretty hi-res pictures in interlace mode.

CONTENTS OF DISK 22 =================== Lemacs Microemacs version 3.6 as enhanced and supported by Daniel Lawrence. This version works and has been tested on Unix V7, BSD 4.2, Amiga, MS-DOS, and VMS. Enhancements include overwrite mode, support for Amiga function keys, reverse video status line, numeric arguments using, replace, buffer specific editing modes, word wrap mode, goto-line, buffer rename, insert-file, execute named command, describe bindings, startup files, and more. Author: Dave Conroy, enhancements by Daniel Lawrence Pemacs Microemacs as enhanced by Andy Poggio. New features include use of keys as Meta keys, default buffers on buffer switch, mouse support, higher priority to improve interactive response, creation of backup files, paragraph fill, word wrap, query replace, and support for function keys. Author: Dave Conroy, enhancements by Daniel Lawrence CONTENTS OF DISK 23 =================== MicroEmacsThis disk contains a significantly enhanced version of microemacs based on the version 30 release posted to usenet's mod.sources newsgroup.

Previous versions of microemacs released on these disks derived from a very old version of microemacs. Since that old release, the author has cleaned up lots of loose ends and restructured major parts of the code.

Other people have already added support for termcap, ports to other machines and operating systems, and a limited GNU emacs compatibility option. CONTENTS OF DISK 24 =================== ConquestYou control an interstellar empire, decide which star systems to explore, which planets to colonize, etc. The computer will also be building its own empire and competing with you for resources.

The one with the greatest population at the end wins. First distributed in executable form only on disk number 10. This distribution includes source.

Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Rob Shimbo Csh Second release of a csh-like alternative to the CLI, first released on disk number 14. Has alias, builtin functions like 'dir' for speed, history, named variables, command re-execution with substitution, etc.

Author: Matt Dillon Modula-2A pre-release version of the single pass Modula-2 compiler originally developed for MacIntosh at ETHZ. This code was transmitted to the AMIGA and is executed on the AMIGA using a special loader. CONTENTS OF DISK 25 =================== Hack This disk contains a port (executables only) of the popular UNIX game 'Hack', courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. This is Version 1.0.1E., with graphics enhancements for the Amiga. CONTENTS OF DISK 26 =================== UnHunk Tool to process the Amiga 'hunk' loadfile format. Collects code, data, and bss hunks together, allows individual specification of code, data, and bss origins, and generates binary file with format reminiscent of Unix 'a.out' format. The output file can be easily processed by a separate program to produce Motorola 'S-records' suitable for downloading to PROM programmer.

Author: Eric Black C-kermitPort of the popular 'kermit' program, a flexible virtual terminal and file transfer program from Columbia University. Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Davide Cervone Ps A program to display process priorities and another program to set a process's priority to any arbitrary valid value.

Very useful to provide finer control over your multitasking environment. Author: Dewi Williams Archx Yet more programs for bundling up text files and mailing or posting them as a single file unit. Author: Martin Minow CONTENTS OF DISK 27 =================== ABdemos Amiga Basic demos. NewConvertFD creates.bmaps from fd files. BitPlanes finds addresses of and writes to bitplanes of the screen's bitmap. AboutBmaps is a tutorial on creation and use of bmaps.

LoadILBM loads and displays IFF ILBM pics. LoadACBM loads and displays ACBM pics. ScreenPrint creates a demo screen and dumps it to a graphic printer. Author: Carolyn Scheppner, Commodore-Amiga DisassemA simple 68000 disassembler. Reads standard Amiga object files and disassembles the code sections.

Data sections are dumped in hex. The actual disassember routines are set up to be callable from a user program so instructions in memory can be disassembled dynamically. Author: Bill Rogers, Univ of WAIKATO (New Zealand) DvorakKeymapExample of a keymap structure for the Dvorak keyboard layout.

Untested but included because assembly examples are few and far between. Author: Robert Burns @ Commodore-Amiga HypocycloidsAn electronic Spirograph inspired by an article in Feb '84 Byte. Author: Terry Gintz LinesDemoA demo program which illustrates the use of proportional gadgets to scroll around in a superbitmap window.

Posted to usenet by Barry Whitebook @ Commodore- Amiga MemExpansionSchematics and directions for building your own homebrew 1 Mb memory expansion. Author: Michael Fellinger SafeMallocEver have a program that corrupts it's own memory? Well, this little gem can help you find the problem in a hurry. Acts as an interface between your program and the real malloc, checking for overrun, underrun, and duplicate freeing of malloc'd space. Author: Bjorn Benson, modifications by Fred Fish ScienceDemosSome science demos. Sidereal is a tutorial program which introduces the user to the relationships between Julian and calendar dates and solar and sidereal times. J2000 is a utility program which converts stellar positions, proper motion, parallax and radial velocity from the standard epoch B1950 (FK4) to epoch J2000 (FK5).

Galilean is a tutorial program which determines the position of the Galilean satellites relative to Jupiter. Programs courtesy of David Eagle at Science Software. CONTENTS OF DISK 28 =================== BackgammonAnother game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly. Author: David Addison Cpp This is a copy of the Decus cpp, ported to the Amiga. This cpp is more powerful and complete than either of the built in cpp's in Manx or Lattice C. Also included is a modified version of the Unix like cc frontend, for Manx C, that knows about the cpp. Author: cpp by Martin Minow; cc by Fred Fish CribbageAnother game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.

Author: David Addison MileStoneAnother game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly. Author: David Addison Othello Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly. Author: David Addison Shar A program which can pack and unpack archives compatible with the Unix 'shar' (shell archiver) program. Author: Dave Wecker SuperBitMapAn example program that shows how to use ScrollLayer, how to sync the SuperBitMap prior to printing, and how to create a dummy rastport for dumping the SuperBitMap.

Works under 1.2 and up. Author: Carolyn Scheppner and Phil Lindsay CONTENTS OF DISK 29 =================== AegisDrawDemoDemo disk of the Aegis Draw program. This is the actual production program with only the 'save' feature disabled and without documentation (intentionally). Very impressive program! Received directly from Aegis Development. Cc Version of the Unix like C compiler frontend program, for Manx C.

Previous released version was for Lattice C. Author: Fred Fish Enough A new CLI execute file command that tests for various system resources such as available memory or existance of specific files, directories, or devices. Author: Bruce Barrett @ Commodore-Amiga Player Animation player for Aegis Animator.

Received directly from Aegis Development. Rubik An animated Rubik's cube program based on Barry Whitebook's 'amiga3d' program and Raymond Brand's 'skewb' program. Author: Bill Kinnersley StringLibA public domain reimplementation of the Unix string library functions. Author: Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Vt100 A vt100 emulator program with Kermit and Xmodem file transfer protocols (based on AmigaTerm). Author: Dave Wecker CONTENTS OF DISK 30 =================== Bbs A BBS for the Amiga (BBS-Amiga Version 1.1).

Author: Ewan Grantham Author's suggested shareware donation: $25 FineArt This is a collection of works from some of the best of current Amiga artists. Many thanks to Jim Sachs, Sheryl Knowles, Jack Haeger, and Aegis Development for submissions. FontEditorDoes what the name implies, edits font's. Author: Tim Robinson Author's suggested shareware donation: $5 MenuEditorCreate and edit menus, saving the result as either a binary file for further editing or as C source for inclusion in a program. Author: David Pehrson Author's suggested shareware donation: $15 StarTermStarterm version 3.0.

Very nice telecommunications program. Author: Jim Nangano Author's suggested shareware donation: $20 CONTENTS OF DISK 31 =================== Life Executes the cellular automata game of LIFE in the blitter chip.

Uses a 318 by 188 display and runs at 19.8 generations per second. Author: Tomas Rokicki MandelbrotLatest version of Robert French's mandelbrot program, version 3.00. Author: Robert French MxExampleExample of mutual exclusion gadget handling. Author: Davide Cervone RamSpeedProgram to measure raw memory speed, comparing internal memory to the external memory. Author: Perry Kivolowitz Set Replacement for the Manx 'set' command (to set or change environment variables) with several improvements. Author: Tomas Rokicki Tree Draws a recursive tree (green leafy type, not files). Author: Robert French (original version by W.

Balthrop) TxEd Latest demo version of Microsmith's text editor, TxEd. This is the full production version except that files are limited to 10K bytes in length and the search/replace functions are disabled.

Also, demo is based on an older version of TxEd, new release has additional features. Author: Charlie Heath VDraw Drawing program, based on freedraw, but now transformed and enhanced beyond recognition. Draws hollow boxes, filled boxes, freehand sketches, lines, circles, and arcs. Also has area fill, text insertion, 16 different line patterns, predefined area fill patterns, a magnify mode, cut and paste, color inversion, erase, grid pattern, and more. This is version 1.08. Author: Stephen Vermeulen Xicon Contains two programs; Xicon which lets you use icons to call up scripts containing CLI commands, and Ticon, which is a simple program to display text files from icons.

Author: Pete Goodeve CONTENTS OF DISK 32 =================== Address Extended address book written in AmigaBasic. Author: Mark Hurst CalendarCalendar/diary program written in AmigaBasic.

Author: Mark Hurst DosPlus1First volume of CLI oriented tools for developers. Executables only. Author: Bill Beogelein DosPlus2Second volume of CLI oriented tools for developers. Executables only.

Author: Bill Beogelein MacView Allows viewing of a standard MacPaint picture file in either Amiga low resolution (320 x 200) or high resolution (640 x 400). Executable only. Author: Scott Evernden Puzzle Simulation of puzzle with moving square tiles.

Executable only. Author: Bill Beogelein ShowHAM Program to display HAM (Hold And Modify) mode images from the CLI environment. Executable only. Author: Unknown SolitaireTwo new ABasiC games, Canfield and Klondike. Author: David Addison Spin3 Simple program that creates spinning cubes and transforms them into op-art. Example of how to create a double buffered display with color tables that can be changed.

Author: Ronald Peterson Sword Sword of Fallen Angel. Text adventure game written in AmigaBasic. Author: Andry Rachmat Trails Cute little program that leaves a trail behind the pointer when the mouse is moved. The trail has programmable symmetry, thickness, and length. The other interesting thing about this program is that it is written in Modula-2 (source provided).

Author: Richie Bielak CONTENTS OF DISK 33 =================== 3dstars 3d version of Leo's 'stars' program (also on this disk). Author: Leo Schwab Bigmap Program which demonstrates how to use the low-level graphics calls, ScrollVPort especially. Demonstrates scrolling around inside a very big bitmap. Author: Leo Schwab Dbuf.gelsSample program that demonstrates the animation routines for Bobs and VSprites. Uses double buffering to smooth the display motion. Author: David Lucas DiskMapperDisplays sector allocation of floppy disks.

Author: Leo Schwab MemView Program which sets up a direct window into RAM, thus dynamically displaying the contents of memory. Author: Leo Schwab Oing Displays a window full of little bouncing balls.

Author: Leo Schwab ScreenDumpDumps rastport of highest screen/window to printer. Author: Carolyn Scheppner Sdb Simple database program, originally released on a DECUS VAX SIG tape. Author: Unknown, Amiga port by Mic Kaczmarczik Sproing Same as Oing but includes sounds of balls colliding with boundries. Author: Leo Schwab Stars Displays a screen full of stars, reminiscent of a view from the starship Enterprise's flight deck. Author: Leo Schwab TermPlusYet another variant of Michael Mournier's AmigaTerm program. This one includes improved ascii capture, CRC and checksum xmodem protocol transfers, CompuServe B- protocol transfers, a phone library, function key support, and limited AmigaDOS functions. Author: Enhancements by Bob Rakosky Vt100 Release 2.0 of Dave's version of AmigaTerm.

Includes support for function keys and script files. Author: Enhancements by Dave Wecker and Steve Drew. CONTENTS OF DISK 34 =================== Alint Support files for Gimpel lint to make it useful on the Amiga.

Author: Thomas Althoff Blink A linker written as a replacement for Alink. Fully Alink compatible and supports many additional options not found in Alink. Also is much faster than Alink and generates smaller executable files.

Version 5.7 Author: Combined efforts of the Software Distillery Browser Updated version of the browser program released on disk number 18. This one has been 'manxified', has scroll bars, and several bugs fixed. Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements and fixes by Bob Leivian Btree Routines to implement a B-tree algorithm and several accompanying tests, apparently derived from the single file version also included on this disk under 'Btree2'. Still buggy, but looks useful with a little work.

Author: Richard Hellier, posted to usenet by Steve Jefferson Btree2 Previous (original) version of btree routines. Author: Richard Hellier CalendarAppointment calendar that lets you visually add and update appointments.

Can also run in background and remind you 15 minutes before any scheduled event. Author: Unknown, Amiga port by Bob Leivian Less Like Unix 'more', only better, with forward and backward scrolling, searching and positioning by percent of file and line number, etc. Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian NewFontsSet of 28 new Amiga fonts.

Author: Bill Fischer Pr A background print utility with several options for letter quality compressed mode and line numbers. Also takes multiple files and wildcards. Author: Bob Leivian RequesterA file name requester that looks like the one used in Deluxe Paint, and a sample program for using the requester. Author: Kevin Clague CONTENTS OF DISK 35 =================== ASendPacketExample program for sending multiple packets asynchronously to a dos handler, for those interested in implementing programs with asynchronous AmigaDos file I/O.

Author: Phillip Lindsay ConsoleWindowExample program for finding the intuition pointer to an AmigaDos CON: or RAW: window, so you can do WindowToFront, graphics, and other interesting things. (Requires AmigaDos 1.2) Author: Andy Finkel and Robert Burns DirUtil Nice little program to wander around directory tree using a windowing interface and performing various operations on files. Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Dave Jobusch DirUtil2Another variant of dirutil. Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Ed Alford FileRequesterA very nice file requester module for lattice C programs, along with a demo driver program.

Author: Charlie Heath MacView Allows viewing of standard MacPaint picture files in either Amiga low resolution (320 x 200) or high resolution (640 x 400). Executable, sample pictures, and icons (version on disk 32 did not include pictures).

Author: Scott Evernden Plop Short, simple, no-frills IFF reader program, and a sample picture made using a ray tracing algorithm. Author: Jim Kent PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any time without having to load workbench or exit whatever program you may be using. Also has a builtin screen saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time.

Author: John Toebes QuickCopyThree versions of quickcopy, a nice little full disk copier. Two of the versions are capable of making backup copies of 'protected' Electronic Art's disks. Author: Dave Devenport ScrollPfCreates and displays a 400 by 300 by 2 bit plane playfield on top of a 320 by 200, 2 plane deep playfield, as a demo of dual playfield display. Author: Carolyn Scheppner SendPacketGeneral purpose subroutine to send AmigaDos packets.

Author: Phillip Lindsay SpriteMakerProgram which lets you paint sprites and then converts the image into a C data structure to be used in programs. Allows interactive testing of the sprite as a pointer. Suggested shareware donation of $15 for source code and updates. Author: Ray Larson Tracker Program which converts a boot-load disk (I.E. A kickstart disk) into a group of files for electronic transmission and reassembly. Completely preserves the original disk structure so the target disk will be an exact duplicate of the original.

Author: Brad (Lord Bradford) Wilson TriClopsVery nice graphics oriented 3-D space invasion game. This was previously a commercial product which is being released into the public domain for promotional purposes (they are working on a multiuser, multimachine version). Author: Unknown, published by Geodesic Publications Tsize A simple utility to print directory tree sizes. Displays the total size of all files and subdirectories within a given directory.

Author: Edmund Burnette UnIfdef Useful program for removing ifdef'ed sections from a file while otherwise leaving the file alone. Allows one source to be used as a porting base for many machines, without shipping the entire source to every source customer. (Preprocess for their machine and send them only the source for their specific machine).

Author: Dave Yost Vttest Program to test compatibility of vt100-compatible terminals and terminal emulators. Requires the resources of a Unix system to test an Amiga hosted vt100 emulator. (I haven't yet found one that even comes close to passing this test!).

Author: Per Lindberg CONTENTS OF DISK 36 =================== Acp A copy program with filename expansion and argument interpretation like the unix cp. Author: Fred Cassirer Clock Updated version of the clock program released on disk number 15. Adds seconds display, free memory display, and faster updates. Author: Mike Meyer Csh Csh like alternative to the CLI, with changes to compile under Manx with 16-bit ints. Has alias, builtin functions like 'dir' for speed, history, named variables, command re-execution with substitution, etc. Version 2.01A. Author: Matt Dillon DietAid Diet planning aid to allow the user to compile lists of ingredients (recipes) and automatically compute calorie totals, etc.

Time Crisis 2nd Strike Ipa Download there. This is a shareware program ($10 suggested) that was submitted by the author for inclusion in the library. Author: Terry Gintz Echo An improved echo command with options to control color, screen placement of text, etc. Author: Larry Phillips FixHunk A program to modify executable files to allow them to run in external memory. It forces all DATA and BSS hunks in the file to be loaded into CHIP memory. CODE hunks will still load into FAST ram if available.

Version 1.2a. James Fm File mapper program.

Uses trackdisk device to grab sectors and traverse the filesystem to find out what sectors a particular file occupies. Author: Leo Schwab KickBenchInstructions and programs for creating and using a combined KickStart and WorkBench disk, so only one disk is need to reboot. Allows the system to reboot unattended after a power failure.

Requires disked from developer's disk. Author: Alonzo Gariepy Lex A program (not to be confused with the Unix lex program which is a lexical analyzer generator) which computes various readability metrics for text files. Computes Gunning-Fog, Flesh, and Kincaid indices. Author: Jeff Sullivan TunnelVisionAnother fine ABasiC game from David Addison. This is a maze game with a 3-D perspective view from inside the maze. Author: David Addison Vc Visicalc-like spreadsheet calculator program. Author: James Gosling, Amiga port by Peter Hardie Vt100 Version 2.2 of Dave's vt100 emulator program including Xmodem and Kermit file transfer protocols.

Author: Dave Wecker YaBoing A game program demonstrating hardware sprite usage, including collision detection. Author: Ali Ozer, based on original by Leo Schwab CONTENTS OF DISK 37 =================== SmalltalkA port of Timothy Budd's Little Smalltalk system, done by Bill Kinnersley at Washington State University. CONTENTS OF DISK 38 =================== CSquaredImplementation of Circle Squared algorthm from Sept '86 Scientific American 'Computer Recreations' column.

Produces wildly colorful but mathematically precise patterns. Author: Bill DuPree FixObj Strip extraneous garbage off the end of object files transfered with xmodem. Does not require preknowledge of actual file length, uses knowledge of Amiga file structure. Version 1.1 (update to copy on disk #10). Author: John Hodgson Handler An example that implements an AmigaDos Handler (device) in non-BCPL format. Author: Phillip Lindsay Hp-10c Program that mimics an HP-10c (Hewlett Packard calculator), written in TDI Modula2. Author: Duncan Prindle IffDump Two programs for manipulating IFF files.

IFFENCODE grabs an active screen and writes it to a file in IFF format. IFFDUMP decodes information in arbitrary IFF files and prints it in a human readable form. Author: Matt Dillon Jsh A simple command line interpreter drawing on features from the BSD C shell. Author: Jim Kent NewStat Replacement program for the AmigaDOS STATUS command. Prints task number, priority, address of process, command line being executed, current directory, etc. Author: James Synge Reversi Program to play reversi game. Author: Manuel Almudevar UUdecodePrograms to encode/decode binary files for transmittal via mail, or other text-only methods.

Binary file is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. Author: Mark Horton Vdraw Drawing program, based on freedraw, but now transformed and enhanced beyond recognition. This is version 1.14. This shareware program (suggested $15 donation) was submitted by the author for inclusion in the library. Author: Stephen Vermeulen VoiceFilerVoice filer program for Yamaha DX series synthesizers.

Voices are transfered to and from the Amiga over MIDI. Author: Jack Deckard Window Sample program which shows how to create a DOS window in a custom screen. Author: Andy Finkel CONTENTS OF DISK 39 =================== AnsiEchoSome commands written in assembler.

Includes an echo command, touch, list, cls (clear screen), and ask (wait for user input). Author: Dewi Williams Display Graphics display program to display HAM images from a ray tracing program. Includes some really spectacular pictures. Author: Dave Wecker Driver Demo device driver in source.

Functions as a RAM disk for demonstration purposes. Author: Lee Erickson Xlisp Small lisp type interpreter, binary only (source to older version was on disk #18). Author: Dave Betz CONTENTS OF DISK 40 =================== Ahost Amiga terminal emulator featuring ANSI terminal emulation, file transfer with CompuServe's B-Protocol, Kermit, and Xmodem, user definable function keys, script language, RLE graphics and a special conference mode for use with CIS. Author: Steve Wilhite & George Jones AmigaMonitorDynamically display the state of the machine, including open files, active tasks, resources, device states, interrupts, libraries, ports, etc. Display window into memory. Version 0.21.

Suggested $15 donation. Author: Jim Voris Arc The ubiquitous compressing archiver program that has become the de facto standard for distributing binaries and multi-file postings on most BBS's. This is Amiga version 0.16, a port of arc version v5.0. Suggested $35- $50 donation. Author: System Enhancement Associates Amiga version by Raymond Brand AreaCodeProgram which decodes area codes into state and locality. Author: Bill Beogelein Blink A linker written as a replacement for Alink.

Fully Alink compatible and supports many additional options not found in Alink. Also is much faster than Alink and produces smaller executable files.

Author: Combined efforts of the Software Distillery Cosmo An 'asteriods' clone. Suggested $6 donation. Author: John Harris Dg210 Data General D-210 Terminal emulator. Suggested $12 donation.

Author: Steve Lenz DirUtil Nice little program to wander around directory tree using a windowing interface and performing various operations on files. Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Dave Jobusch DOSHelperWindowing program to print help information about various dos commands. Version 1.60. Suggested $10 donation. Author: John Youells PagePrintPrints text files with date/time header, page breaks, and line numbers.

Suggested $10 donation. Author: Phil Mercurio PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any time without having to load workbench or exit whatever program you may be using.

Also has a builtin screen saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time. Version II, which now includes source. Author: John Toebes SpriteEdLets you simultaneously edit two sprite pairs to form a double wide sprite image. Suggested $10 donation. Author: Scott Lamb X-Spell A spelling checker to proofread text files and then allow you to move through the document, deciding what to do with the misspelled words. Suggested $15 donation. Author: Hayes Haugen CONTENTS OF DISK 41 =================== AmigaVentureA program which allows you to write your own Infocom- style adventure programs in AmigaBasic.

It is a full- featured adventure parser, including direct and indirect objects, multiple object processing, adjectives, automatic ambiguity resolution, and subordinate clauses. The parser includes support for one, two, or three-word verbs, and a full set of object- manipulation primitives. Author: Mitsuharu Hadeishi Csh Version 2.03 of Matt's Csh-like shell. Executable only. Author: Matt Dillon Dbug Macro based C debugging package. Machine independent. Provides function trace, selective printing of internal state information, and more.

First released on disk #2. This version includes some bug fixes and enhancements. Author: Fred Fish DualPlayFieldAn example of using a dual-playfield screen, using a method contrary to documentation in the Intuition Manual. Author: Jim Mackraz GetFile A very nice file name requester.

Unlike the earlier version on disk #35, this version includes source code. Author: Charlie Heath LatticeXrefA cross reference listing of all symbols defined in the Lattice 3.10 header files. Sorted alphabetically by symbol string, includes file name and line number of all references and/or definitions. Author: Fred Fish Lines A line drawing demo program, reminiscent of the 'sparks' program on disk #9. Author: Paul Jatkowski SetFont A program to change the font used in a workbench screen. Includes several sample fonts of various sizes. Author: Michael McInerny Vt100 Version 2.3 of the ever popular vt100 terminal program.

Includes xmodem and kermit file transfer protocols. Author: Dave Wecker CONTENTS OF DISK 42 =================== MicroGNUEmacsThis diskette contains the Amiga version of MicroGNUEmacs (MG), a small but powerful text editor that runs on many other computer systems besides the Amiga. One of MG's major goals is to be compatible with its cousin GNU Emacs, so certain features you may have seen in other versions of MicroEmacs may work differently here, or not exist. Hopefully, you'll find the added features MG provides to be worth the trouble it takes to make the switch. This is the fourth Beta distribution of MicroGnuEmacs. Beyond the work of Dave Conroy, author of the original public domain v30, this contains the efforts of: mwm@ucbopal.berkeley.edu (Mike Meyer), mic@ngp.utexas.edu (Mic Kaczmarczik), blarson@usc-oberon.arpa (Bob Larson), rtech!daveb@sun.com (Dave Brower) CONTENTS OF DISK 43 =================== BasicBoingAn AmigaBasic program which shows animation by page flipping. Precalculates all views of a rotating 3 dimensional cube and then cycles through them rapidly for animation.

Author: Arthur Blume Bbm Demo copy of B.E.S.T. Software's Business Management System. It is a full implementation with file sizes reduced for demo purposes. Author: Business Electronics Software & Technology Inc. BbsList A list of Bulletin Board Systems which support the Amiga. The list was compiled from a list on Delphi, Compuserve, bathroom walls, etc.

Author: Dick Sheffold Cc C compiler frontends for Manx and Lattice C, developed independently by Jay Ts. These automatically filter off the annoying banner messages from various passes of the compilers. Author: Jay Ts Copper A copper list disassembler. Dumps the contents of a hardware copper instruction list. Author: Scott Evernden InstIFF A program which converts sampled sound files from the Instruments dealer demo disks to IFF sampled sound files in a FORM 8SVX. Author: Bobby Deen PopColoursLets you change the Red/Green/Blue components of any color register, on any screen currently in the system.

Uses a movable window with slider gadgets. Very well done.

Version 1.0, November 1986. Author: Chris Zamara and Nick Sullivan SpriteClockA very simple clock that uses a sprite as it's display medium, thus allowing it to be displayed on top of all other screens. Includes source in assembly language.

Author: Darrel Schneider STEmulatorTurns your Amiga into an Atari ST (sort of). Be sure to read the README file for the true story.

Author: David Addison WBrun A program designed to allow any program to be invoked from CLI yet behave as if it were invoked from Workbench. Workbench need not be loaded, thus saving the memory that Workbench would normally use. Author: John Toebes Wild Two versions of Unix shell style wildcard matching routines. Author: Rich Salz and Fred Fish CONTENTS OF DISK 44 =================== Icons Some miscellaneous icons for your viewing pleasure.

Author: Unknown NewIFF Some new iff material dealing with sampled voice and music iff files. Author: Posted to usenet by Carolyn Scheppner RayTracePicsRay tracing pictures, some of which appeared on disk number 39, but now in IFF HAM format for MUCH faster loading and compatibility with existing IFF tools. Author: Dave Wecker ViewILBMReads an ILBM file and displays as a screen/window until closed.

Handles normal and HAM ILBM's. Author: Based on ShowILBM, enhanced by Carolyn Scheppner CONTENTS OF DISK 45 =================== Clue Clue board game. Author: Greg Pryor Make Another version of make that seems to be more complete than many other PD makes. Author: Unknown, downloaded from the Software Distillery PicturesMiscellaneous pictures selected from dozens of pictures that have come my way since the last full art disk.

Author: Rich Payne, Grace Rohlfs, and others. Update Used to update an older working disk with files from a newly released disk. Files on the older disk that are out of date will be upgraded with files from the new disk. Author: Unknown, downloaded from Software Distillery WhereIs Program which searches a disk for the first or multiple occurances of a file with a given name. Author: Steve Poling CONTENTS OF DISK 46 =================== Asm A shareware macro assembler, submitted by the author.

Asm is a 68010 macro assembler that is compatible with the assembler described in the AmigaDOS manual. Author: Douglas Leavitt CheckModemA program which provides for executing other programs from your startup file, if and only if there is actually a modem connected to the serial port. Author: Matt Dillon Egad A gadget editor from the Programmers Network. Very nicely done and very useful. Author: John Draper, Ray Larson, Brent Southard, and Dave Milligan Jive A filter program which transforms its standard input to 'jive' on its standard output. Author: Unknown My.lib A binary only copy of Matt's alternate runtime library.

Author: Matt Dillon ProffMacrosSubset implementations of the Berkeley 'ms' and System V 'mm' macro packages, for the proff program. Author: Tony Andrews and George Walker ValSpeakA filter program which transforms its standard input to 'valspeak' on its standard output. Author: Unknown CONTENTS OF DISK 47 =================== 3D-Arm The first stage of a larger project to study goal directed animation of articulated objects (objects which can move with various degrees of freedom but are constrained by attachment to other links within the object). This program demonstrates goal directed animation with a simulated 3-dimensional robot arm.

Includes source. Author: Bob Laughlin Juggler Stunning animation of a robot juggler with ray traced reflective spheres. Uses HAM mode display and sound effects to boot!

Author: Eric Graham Vt100 Version 2.4 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator. Includes xmodem and kermit file transfer protocols. Author: Dave Wecker CONTENTS OF DISK 48 =================== Bru Alpha 1 version of a hard disk and/or file archiver written for Unix. This is a vanilla port, with very little Amiga smarts, but it is usable. This is also the last freely redistributable version. Author: Fred Fish Comm A vt100 like terminal emulator with built in support for key functions and a phone number database.

Version 1.30. Author: DJ James Csh2.04 Version 2.04 of Matt's csh-like shell.

Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon Csh2.04MVersion 2.04 of Matt's csh-like shell, heavily modified for Manx C. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon, Manx version by Steve Drew DiskperfA disk benchmark program which runs on both Unix and the Amiga. Author: Rick Spanbauer Du Computes disk usage of a file or directory (including subdirectories).

Author: Joe Mueller MemWatchMemwatch is a program intended to sit in the background and watch for random trashing of low memory by an application under development. If it detects a write to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there, then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been done. Author: John Toebes ProfilerA realtime execution profiler for Manx 3.30E. Using this you can identify what sections of your program are using the most time, or being executed the most, and optimize as appropriate. I was able to double the speed of some programs by using this tool.

Includes source. Author: Tomas Rokicki CONTENTS OF DISK 49 =================== CycloidsAn updated version of the hypocycloids (electronic spirograph) program first released on disk number 27. Author: Terry Gintz DirUtil An enhanced version of the dirutil from disk number 35. Dirutil is a program to wander around a directory tree and perform various operations on files. See README file for list of new features.

Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Johan Widen MultidefA program to scan a collection of object and library files and identify multiply defined symbols. This is useful to locate subtle problems where user defined symbols override library symbols. Author: Paul Jatkowski MyUpdateA disk update utility that also provides support for automatically stripping comments from C header files and for interactive verification on a per file basis.

Author: Joe Mueller Plot Program to compute and plot 3 dimensional functions. Includes hi-res interlace mode for maximum detail.

Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz Polygon A moire type pattern generator but with color cycling. Author: Terry Gintz QMouse A program to query the status of the left mouse button and return a status code. The return code can be used as a WARN condition in a CLI execute file to alter execution. Also includes a separate program to toggle interlace on and off. Both are written in assembler and are very small.

Author: Robert Rethemeyer Touch A simple command to set the date of a file to the current date. Uses new supported method of setting a file datestamp (rather than reading and writing back a byte).

Author: Phil Lindsay and Andy Finkel Trees Another 'tree growing' program, similar to the one on disk number 31, but more extensive. Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz CONTENTS OF DISK 50 =================== Asm A shareware macro assembler, submitted by the author. Asm is a 68010 macro assembler that is compatible with the assembler described in the AmigaDOS manual. This is version 1.1, an update to the version on disk number 46, and includes bug fixes, additional standard Motorola mnemonics and a simple startup code module. Author: Douglas Leavitt BreakOutA 3-D game. Requires 3-D glasses. Author: Tim Kemp DiskZap Program to 'edit' a disk, sector by sector.

Author: Paris Bingham Jr. FirstSiliConA smart input line interpreter that provides a separate command window with full editing and recall of previous commands. Actual name is 'Sili(Con:)'. Author: Pete Goodeve Missile A nice 'missile defense' game.

Written 100% in assembler (source available from author) and is very fast! Author: Glen Merriman PerfectSoundPerfectSound demo, with a sound editor and sample sound files. Looks very nice. Author: Anthony Wood SizzlersGraphics demo programs.

Author: Greg Epley UnixArc A version of arc suitable for Unix System V. Author: System Enhancement Associates Wombat Yet another terminal emulation program. Version 3.01.

Has user settable cursor, programmable function keys, vt-102 emulation, auto-dialing, loadable settings files, and more. Author: Dave Warker CONTENTS OF DISK 51 =================== Bison A replacement for unix 'yacc' command.

This is from the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained from the Free Software Foundation. This is a working update to the version on disk number 4, provided by Johan Widen. Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman CompressThis is an update to the compress version released on disk number 6. It is tested and seems to work well except for a couple glitches noticed at the last minute (see the README file). Compress reduces the size of the named files using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding.

The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of the input, the number of bits per code, and the distribution of common substrings. Typically, text such as source code or English is reduced by 50-60%.

Compression is generally much better then that achieved by Huffman coding (as used in 'pack') or adaptive Huffman coding (as used in 'compact'), and takes less time to compute. Author: Thomas Spencer, with improvements by others Cos A 'Wheel Of Fortune' style game in AmigaBasic. Author: Steve Michel DifSsed Dif produces a difference file which lists the line by line differences between any two text files. These differences can be fed to ssed (a stream type editor), along with the original text file, to remotely reproduce the other (new) file.

Author: Chuck Forsberg, Amiga port by Rich Schaeffer Sq.Usq Portable versions of the CPM sq and usq utilities. Greenlaw, many changes by Bill Swan CONTENTS OF DISK 52 =================== Assign Replacement for AmigaDOS assign command, written in C. Author: Charles McManis Fractal A fractal program which produces a random square fractal terrain. Author: John Olsen HAMpoly A polygon drawing demo which uses HAM mode to produce polygons of any of the possible 4096 colors. Author: John Olsen MxGads Demonstrates how to make mutual exclusion of boolean gadgets work, even if they contain GadgetText. Author: Willy Langeveld Poly A polygon drawing demo using the AreaMove, AreaDraw, and AreaEnd functions. Author: John Olsen Tek4010 A Tek 4010 emulator.

Author: Terry Whelan, with changes by Steve Poling Vdraw1.16Shareware drawing program submitted by the author. This version uses menus but includes some items not in version 1.19, also on this disk. Author: Stephen Vermeulen Vdraw1.19Latest version of Vdraw, with a completely new iconic user interface, and some other new features including a color palette mixer and DPaint style brushes, extended cutting features, area locking, and a flexible printing interface. Author: Stephen Vermeulen CONTENTS OF DISK 53 =================== AnimationsSome animations made with Aegis Animator. Includes a player program. Author: Aegis Development ARCre Creates rename scripts so that files with long names can be easily archived and dearchived correctly by 'arc'. Author: John Hoffman Arp Some preliminary programs from a program started on BIX by Charlie Heath to replace all the BCPL AmigaDOS programs with assembly equivalents.

Includes 'break', 'cd', 'chmod', 'echo', 'filenote', and 'makedir'. Author: Charlie Heath and Scott Ballantyne CompilerAn optimizing C compiler for the 68000. Has successfully compiled itself on a 68000 based Unix system V machine, but has yet to be fully ported to the Amiga.

It will currently produce assembly output for simple C routines on the Amiga, but needs lots of work to be really useful as anything other than a learning tool for budding compiler guru's. Author: Matthew Brandt SpreadSheetA simple 'Visicalc-like' spread sheet calculator. Also known as 'vc' but there is currently a debate about whether or not that name is a registered trademark. The version on disk number 36 was based on an earlier version of the same source.

This release also includes source code. Author: James Gosling, Mark Weiser, and Bob Bond Amiga port by Dave Wecker TarSplitA port of the OS/9 program that extracts files from Unix tar archives.

Author: James Jones. Amiga version by Mike Meyer. UUencodePrograms to encode/decode binary files for transmittal via mail or other text-only methods. The binary file is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. This release is an update to the version on disk number 38, and includes a simple line-by-line checksum technique that can read and write files compatible with the older uuencode/uudecode. Author: Mark Horton with mods by Alan Rosenthal CONTENTS OF DISK 54 =================== Hanoi Classical demo program for recursion. Solves the towers of hanoi problem in a workbench window of its own.

Author: Ali Ozer ISpell A quick and dirty port of a Unix version of a freely distributable screen oriented, interactive, spelling checker. I use the Unix version daily and it is very nice.

You will need expansion ram to run this with the supplied dictionary, as it loads the entire 300K hashed dictionary into memory. A hard disk is also recommended. Author: Pace Willisson Ing The next step in the 'boing wars'. Turns a nice screen full of little windows into a screen of lots of bouncing little windows. Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab Lav A 'title bar type' program that displays the number of tasks in the Amiga's run queue, averaged over the last minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Presumably inspired by, and named after, the BSD 'load average' program. Author: William Rucklidge MidiToolsSimple programs to play and record through the MIDI I/F.

Untested (I have no MIDI hardware). Author: Fred Cassirer MoreRowsA program to make the workbench screen larger than normal. The number of additional rows and columns are set via command line arguments. Author: Neil Katin and Jim Mackraz Tilt Another of Leo's cute little toys. This one makes your Amiga look like it didn't pass Commodore's vibration testing. Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab CONTENTS OF DISK 55 =================== Csh Version 2.05 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified for Manx C. Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew NewStartupsA couple of new C startup modules.

AStartup.asm is the source to AStartup.obj, with 1.2 fixes and better quote handling. TWStartup.asm is like AStartup.asm but opens a stdio window, using a user supplied window specification, when executed from workbench. Author: Commodore, posted to BIX by Carolyn Scheppner Palette A tool which allows you to change another program's custom screen colors. Based on Charlie Heath's palette program from disk number 1. Author: Carolyn Scheppner PipeDeviceA working 'pipe:' device, which allows the standard output of one process to be fed to the standard input of another process, with both processes running concurrently. Author: Matt Dillon ScreenSaveA program to save a normal or HAM mode screen as an IFF file. Also creates an icon for the saved file.

Author: Carolyn Scheppner ShangaiDemoDemo version of the Activision game 'Shanghai'. Submitted directly by Activision for inclusion in the library. SoundExampleA double buffered sound example for Manx C using 16-bit ints, small code, and small data. Author: Jim Goodnow VspritesA working vsprite example. Author: Eric Cotton Vt100 Version 2.6 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator with kermit and xmodem file transfer. It just keeps getting better and better.

Author: Dave Wecker CONTENTS OF DISK 56 =================== ClipBoardClipboard device interface routines to provide a standard interface, such as Open, Close, Post, Read, Write, etc. Author: Andy Finkel ConPacketsDemos the use of DOS packets, finding the Window pointer and ConUnit pointer of the CLI window, toggling Raw mode, getting cursor position and limits from the ConUnit, and ESC-sequence cursor positioning. Author: Carolyn Scheppner GetDisksSample program to find all available disk device names and return them as a simple exec list. The list is made of named nodes, with the name being the device name. Author: Phillip Lindsay GetVolumeSample program to get the volume name of the volume that a given file resides on.

Works on any device, even the RAM: device. Author: Chuck McManis Icon2C Reads an icon file and writes out a fragment of C code with the icon data structures, for inclusion in a larger program. Author: Carolyn Scheppner MergeMemProgram which attempts to merge the MemList entries of sequentially configured ram boards. When successful, allows allocating a section of memory which spans board boundries. Author: Carolyn Scheppner mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.1. Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like 'line', 'box', and 'text') and a small set of editing functions (like 'move', 'size', and 'rotate'). While drawing and editing, the user can call on other functions to modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose a grid, etc.

This shareware program was submitted by the author. Author: Tim Mooney CONTENTS OF DISK 57 =================== Disk #57This disk replaces disk number 57, which was pulled from circulation because of questions about the redistribution status of material in the 'Ogre' subdirectory (replaced with 'shm'). If you encounter a disk number 57 in circulation, please advise all parties concerned that the disk should be erased immediately. This original disk number 57 has been replaced by disk number 97.

CONTENTS OF DISK 58 =================== ASDG-rrdExtremely useful shareware recoverable ram disk. This AmigaDOS device driver implements a completely DOS compatible disk device in memory that survives resets, guru's, and crashes.

An absolute must for those with lots of ram. Author: Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc. BigView Displays any IFF picture, independent of the physical display size, using hardware scroll. Default display size is 320 by 200 in lo-res; HIRES or LACE attributes added if user width/height exceeds low resolution boundaries. Includes source.

Author: John Hodgson EGraph Egraph reads pairs of x and y values from a list of files and draws a formatted graph. Supports four unique curve fonts; solid curves, dashed curves, dotted curves, and long dashed curves.

The maximum number of data points is unlimited. Has globs of options.

Author: Laurence Turner HyperBaseNice little shareware database management system. Binary only, source available from authors. Author: Michael MacKenzie, Marc Mengel, and Craig Norborg MemClearWalks through the free memory lists, zeroing free memory along the way, and coalescing memchunks that have contiguous address spaces. Includes source. Author: John Hodgson NewZAP A third-generation multi-purpose file sector editing utility, from the author of FileZAP. Displays and edits full 512-byte sectors via a 106 character wide internal font.

Includes a search feature to find specific strings or hex digits, forwards or backwards. Version 3.0, includes source. Author: John Hodgson RainBow Marauder-style rainbow generator. Installs a user copper list such that the background color is changed every few scan lines. Includes source. Author: John Hodgson SmusPlayersTwo SMUS players, to play SMUS IFF music formatted files. Executables only.

Author: John Hodgson View A tiny ILBM viewer, for use with either the CLI or WorkBench. Includes source. Author: John Hodgson WBdump JX-80 optimized workbench printer that does not use DumpRPort. Much more efficient than the Amiga JX-80 driver for full screen dumps. Includes source.

Author: John Hodgson CONTENTS OF DISK 59 =================== Browser Another version of the browser program released on disks number 18 and number 34. Includes some bug fixes and enhancements. Includes source. Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements by Mark Schretlen Browser2This browser type program is apparently not based on the original Mike Meyer version. Author: Dan Green Clock Another clock program, comes in several flavors depending upon features desired, which include using alternate fonts, using alternate colors, setting the time, etc. Author: Mark Waggoner Dme Version 1.22 of Matt's text editor.

Dme is a simple WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Author: Matt Dillon DropClothDropcloth replaces the standard blank WorkBench backdrop with a pattern, of setable intensity. Author: Eric Lavitsky and Perry Kivolowitz DropShadowA program that makes your WorkBench windows have dropshadows. Author: Jim Mackraz FixWB A program similar to 'DropCloth' (also on this disk), but not fully working yet.

At least this one is provided in source, so you get your choice of a working one in binary or a nonworking one in source. Author: Leo Schwab mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.2.2. Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like 'line', 'box', and 'text') and a small set of editing functions (like 'move', 'size', and 'rotate'). While drawing and editing, the user can call on other functions to modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose a grid, etc. This shareware program was submitted by the author. Many improvements over the version released on disk number 56.

Author: Tim Mooney RobotroffAnother of Leo's cute little display hacks. This one has a definite attraction to pointers (don't want to spoil the surprise). Author: Leo Schwab SupermortA general compounding/amortization routine, using the intuition environment, which can be used for mortgage/loan computations. Author: Mark Schretlen CONTENTS OF DISK 60 =================== Blitz Blitz is a small program that is designed to be loaded into memory and that sits in the background until activated by its hotkey. It allows you to view a text file, much like a TYPE command, only that it lets you move forwards and backwards through the file. Its screen updates are blitz'n. Author: Hayes Haugen BlitzFontsBlitzfonts makes text output up to 6 times faster, transparently to well behaved programs.

It is also very small and written 100% in assembly for maximum speed. Author: Hayes Haugen HandShakeHandshake is a full featured VT52/VT100/VT102 terminal emulator. The author has taken great pains to support the full VT102 spec. This is version 1.20a, binary only. Author: Eric Haberfellner Med Yet another Amiga text editor. This one lets you edit up to 36 files simultaneously and makes extensive use of the mouse. This is version 2.1, binary only.

Author: Francois Rouaix PrtDrvGenProgram to automatically generate custom printer drivers. Version 1.1, binary only, source available from author. Author: Joergen Thomsen Show A nice, very small slideshow type program, version 2.1, binary only. Author: Andry Rachmat Uedit Version 2.0 of this nice shareware editor.

Drivers Placa Mãe Fic W7635 here. Has learn mode, a command language, menu customization, and other user configurability and customizability features. Author: Rick Stiles Ueturbo Example of extensive customization of Uedit to set up a nice development environment. Includes source. Author: Tom Althoff CONTENTS OF DISK 61 =================== ATPatch A program which reportedly will patch the Amiga Transformer for operation under Workbench 1.2 (I don't have one so couldn't test it).

Includes source. Author: Philip Staub FillDiskDisksalv has been known to find some rather interesting things in the free blocks of some production disks from companies that should know better. This little hack makes sure you don't get caught in the same trap, by scribbling the disk's free blocks in a totally safe manner. Includes source (all 20 lines of it). Author: Fred Fish LPatch Patch for programs, such as 'Atom', with bad 1.0 Lstartup code, which abort during startup under 1.2 with 00038007 alert (can't open dos library). Includes source.

Author: Carolyn Scheppner MicroEmacsVersion 3.8b of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave Conroy's microemacs. This version is greatly enhanced over the last version, distributed on disk number 22. For example, there is now a full extension language and support for a larger number of 68000 machines.

Includes source. Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence PearlFontA font similar to Topaz, but with smoothed out edges and more rounded characters. Author: Michael Portuesi Terrain Program which demonstrates generation of good looking pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in Draco.

Author: Chris Gray VSpritesVsprite example from Rob's book 'Programmers' Guide To The Amiga'. Produces 28 VSprites onscreen simultaneously, using only three distinct sets of colors. Includes source.

Author: Rob Peck CONTENTS OF DISK 62 =================== Hack This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game 'Hack', done by John Toebes and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version 1.0.3D. Note that this disk must be named 'Hack_Game'. I have elected to keep that name, rather than using the usual 'AmigaLibDiskXX' convention for disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before using it. CONTENTS OF DISK 63 =================== Larn This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game 'Larn', done by Edmund Burnette and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version 12.0B.

Note that this disk must be named 'Larn'. I have elected to keep that name, rather than using the usual 'AmigaLibDiskXX' convention for disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before using it. CONTENTS OF DISK 64 =================== Developer's IFFThis is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and redistribute. It is an update to disk number 16, and is unchanged except for: CONTENTS OF DISK 65 =================== Bawk Text processor inspired by the Unix awk utility. Bawk searches files for specific patterns and performs actions for every occurance of these patterns.

The patterns can be regular expressions. The actions are expressed using a subset of the C language. Unfortunately this version always gets a stack overflow no matter what the stack is set to, I haven't had a chance to find the bug. Includes source, so you can hunt for it. Looks like it could be a very useful utility for the Amiga. Author: Bob Brodt CloseWB Simple program for use with MWB (also on this disk) to close a current WorkBench screen, and let you open WorkBench on a custom screen.

Author: Matt Dillon Cookie Fortune cookie program. Includes source. Author: Richard Stevens JTime Detailed instructions, including schematics in IFF format, for building and installing a battery backed up real-time clock. The clock goes on the joystick port (aka mouse port 2). Author: Michael Keryan MenuBuilderA program which automates the process of building menus.

It takes a simple text file and generates a C source file with all the needed structures for linking with the rest of your program. This is version 1.0, and includes source. Preston MWB A program which will create a new 'WorkBench' screen and route by request OpenWindow calls meant for the WorkBench to these new screens. This allows you to run programs which normally open windows on the WorkBench screen to use a custom screen instead. Version 1.01, includes source. Author: Matt Dillon NewPacketsTutorial downloaded from BIX C-A support section, which describes some new packets and structures in 1.2 AmigaDos. Author: Carolyn Scheppner PascalToCA Pascal to C translator program which is supposed to correctly handle function, procedure, and most type declarations.

However, this quick and dirty port didn't fare too well on even a simple little Pascal fragment from Software Tools in Pascal. I don't know if the problem is machine dependencies in the code or bugs.

Looks like it could be useful with a little more work than I have time to put into it now. Includes source. Author: James Mullens, enhancements by Dan Kegel Prep Version 2.1 of a Fortran preprocessor called 'prep', an alternative to ratfor. Prep has better macro facilities, a concise shorthand for array and vector statements, all the standard flow control constructs of forth, and is written in generic, portable C (I made no source changes). Includes source. Author: Roger Ove RunBack A program that allows you to start another program which is independent of the CLI window. This is useful to start programs from your Startup-Sequence, load WorkBench, and then close the initial CLI (which could not be closed otherwise).

Author: Charlie Heath, Microsmiths SunMouseMakes your mouse behave like the Sun Microsystem Sunwindows mouse. You no longer have to 'click' in a window to make it active.

Just move the mouse pointer into the window and start typing. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Scott Evernden CONTENTS OF DISK 66 =================== AmScsi Preliminary documentation for a hardware project to build a SCSI controller board. The design does not support DMA or AUTOCONFIG'ing. Author: Rich Frantz Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.1, binary only. Well documented.

Wesley Howe AssignedSame code showing how to find out whether or not a name has been assigned (via the dos ASSIGN command) before using it, thus avoiding the DOS Insert-Disk requester. Includes source. Author: Dan Green Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written in Modula-2, includes source. Author: Thomas Handel Flip Seems like Leo's gems have inspired lots of people. This one is quite cute also.

Written in assembler, includes source. Author: Mike Berro Foogol Just what you've been waiting for, a foogol cross compiler for your Amiga that generates VAX assembly code. Now you can port all those Amiga foogol programs to your VAX! Seriously, foogol-IV is a tiny Algol like language and this is a compiler for it. Includes source. Author: Per Lindberg Free Free returns the available free bytes on any storage device that AmigaDos sees as a drive.

A list of up to six drives is kept by the program and may be cleared or added to at any time by the user. Includes source. Author: Tom Smythe MallocTestA malloc/free test program that allocates and frees randomly sized pieces of memory with random lifetimes, and fills them with patterns that can be checked for corruption. Useful for beating on your vendor supplied memory management routines, or possibly as a poorman's memory test program. Includes source.

Author: Neil Webber Melt Another display hack from the master himself. Includes source. Author: Leo Schwab Nart Another display hack from the master himself. Includes source.

Author: Leo Schwab Purty Provides an easy way to change some common printer settings via a small window with several gadgets. Author: Charles Tyson RayTracerA simple ray tracing program. It is capable of depicting up to 150 balls and a plane that is covered with a tiling of any bitmapped picture. Binary only and sparce documentation. Author: Friedrich Knauss, Steve Williams, Jim Horn and Mark Reichert SendPacketsUpdated versions of the ASendPacket and SendPacket examples from disk number 35. ASendPacket is an example program for sending multiple packets asynchronously to a dos handler, for those interested in implementing programs with asynchronous AmigaDos file I/O.

SendPacket is a general purpose subroutine to send AmigaDos packets. Includes source. Author: Phillip Lindsay SnapShotA small utility for dumping screens. This one works like POPCLI and stays dormant until you press Ctrl-Esc. Author: Francois Rouaix TagBBS Version 1.02 of a shareware BBS system.

Suggested shareware donation is $25. Author: Patrick Hughes CONTENTS OF DISK 67 =================== AmCat Shareware disk cataloging program. Suggested donation of $20. Author: Brian Conrad AmigaSpellVery nice intuition oriented shareware spelling checker, version 2.0, binary only. Author: Mike Berro Bouncer A 3-D simulation of a bouncing ball written in Creative Solutions' Multi-Forth, with source included. Author: Jon Bryan Comm Another nice terminal program. Version 1.33, binary only.

Author: DJ James Dux5 Latest version of directory utility which is a descendant of the original dirutil program by Chris Nicotra. Includes source. Author: Enhancements and fixes by lots of people HexCalc Nice little hex/oct/dec/bin calculator and converter. Author: Scott Ross Icons A collection of some icons for general purpose programs and some particular programs. The 'documentation' icon is particularly cute. Author: Jeff White Mandala A mandala graphic program with sound, sort of Eastern music. Author: Unknown PersMaitDemo version of shareware personal/personnel file manager.

Includes list processing, capability to run mailing labels, mail merge output feature, and more. Demo version is binary only and limited to input mode. Suggested donation of $24 for the 'real' version. Author: Breen and Associates RSLClockYet another nice little clock utility that can sit around in your title bar.

Lots of options. Version 1.3, binary only. Author: Roy Laufer RTCubes A little graphics demo that shows 16 3D cubes in a 3D space, all being translated, rotated, and drawn on the screen in real time.

Binary only, takes over the machine, reboot to recover. Author: Ralph Russell Wheel Nice little 'Wheel of Fortune' type game, written in AmigaBasic. Author: Hari Wiguna CONTENTS OF DISK 68 =================== MicroGNUEmacsThis diskette contains the latest Amiga version of MicroGNUEmacs (MG 1b), a small but powerful text editor that also runs on many other computer systems besides the Amiga.

One of MG's major goals is to be compatible with its 'cousin' GNU Emacs, so certain features you may have seen in other versions of MicroEmacs may work differently here, or not exist. Hopefully, you'll find the added features MG provides to be worth the trouble it takes to make the switch. As well as the commands available on *all* systems MG supports, Amiga MG has many Amiga-specific features: the Amiga mouse (with 24 different functions!), Intuition pull-down menus, the Browser (a very nice way to select files), Amiga function keys, a full-screen editing window, and support for using a different text font in the editing window. The current version is known to run on the following systems: 4.2 & 4.3 BSD Unix, Sun 3.2; Ultrix- 32 (BSD Unix); OS9/68k; VMS; Amiga; System V; Eunice; Primos; Cpm/68k; Atari ST MicroGNUEmacs is based on the original work of Dave Conroy, author of the public domain v30 version. It has been greatly enhanced through the efforts of the following people: mwm@ucbopal.berkeley.edu (Mike Meyer), mic@ngp.utexas.edu (Mic Kaczmarczik), blarson@usc- eclb.arpa (Bob Larson), rtech!daveb@sun.com (Dave Brower) (previous version) CONTENTS OF DISK 69 =================== Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.3, binary only. Well documented.

Wesley Howe BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety. It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate individual registers and perform blits on a magnified bitmap. Includes source. Author: Tomas Rokicki Conman A replacement console handler that provides line editing and command line history. Is completely transparent to any application program that uses CON: windows.

Programs that use RAW: input are not affected. Shareware version 0.9, binary only (source to be available from author). Author: William Hawes Console Console is a try at a new set of routines to get around some of the problems with the standard system routines, and includes some simple graphics routines. Includes source. Author: Jim Cooper Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written in Modula-2, includes source.

Slightly newer than version on disk number 66. Author: Thomas Handel Frags Reports the number of free blocks of size 2^(n-1) to (2^n)-1 for n up to 24 (blocks of max size 16Mb-1).

Translation: Gives you some idea of how fragmented your free memory is. Includes source.

Author: Mike Meyer IconTypeChange the type of an icon after editing with IconEd. Types are Disk, Drawer, Tool, Project, Garbage, and Device. Includes source.

Author: Larry Phillips Make Public domain make from mod.sources, Volume 7, number 91. It has been cleaned up, Manx'ified, and some new features added, by Steve Walton. Includes source. Author: 'caret@fairlight.OZ' MonProc A simple program to allow you to monitor any process for packet activity. Includes source.

Author: Phillip Lindsay MouseClockTurns your mouse pointer into a digital clock with updates once per minute. Includes source. Author: John Hoffman Sb Structure browser, that displays system structures via pointers found in other structures. You start from IntuitionBase and go from there. Version 1.0, includes source. Author: Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara Spew Program which generates amusing 'National Enquirer' type headlines.

Works from a 'rules file' which describes how the headlines are to be constructed. Includes source. Author: Gregory Smith (original by 'mark@pixar') Spool The SPOOL system consists of 3 programs: A queue manager, a printer driver, and a SPOOL request program. The SPOOL system demonstrates the power of the Amiga's mutitasking abilities in a very practical way. It makes extensive use of Amiga Exec's message passing facilities and list-handling primitives.

Version 1.2, includes source. Author: Tim Holloway Wc A 'word count' program, ala Unix's wc, that is faster because it doesn't count what you don't ask for, plus some other improvements. Includes source.

Author: Steve Summit CONTENTS OF DISK 70 =================== AmigaMonitorDynamically display the state of the machine, including open files, active tasks, resources, device states, interrupts, libraries, ports, etc. Display window into memory. Version 1.13, binary only (source available from author). Author suggests $15 donation. Author: Jim Voris Arc The ubiquitous compressing archiver program that has become the de facto standard for distributing binaries and multi-file postings on most BBS's. This is Amiga version 0.23, a port of arc version v5.0, binary only.

Author suggests $35-$50 donation. Author: System Enhancement Associates Amiga version by Raymond Brand BlackBookKeeps track of those important phone numbers and addresses. Shareware, author suggests $30 donation. Author: Craig Nelson DoTil Lists, in alphabetical order, all files on any two directories, showing file size, creation date/time, and amount of free disk space.

Also copies, renames, or deletes files and/or directories, and moves files from one directory to another. Version 2.0, shareware, author suggests $15 donation. Author: Dan Franki GravityWarsThe object of this game is for one player to hit the other player's ship with a missle, before being hit yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields and black holes makes hitting your target difficult. Version 1.03, shareware, author suggests $5 donation.

Author: Ed Bartz Jobs A alternate user interface to WorkBench or CLI. Version 2.1, binary only. Author: John Sawaya Lens This program magnifies a small area surrounding the pointer and displays it in a separate window. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Ned Konz Life-3d A 3d version of the classic cellular-automaton game. Shareware, author suggests $20 donation. Version 1.2, binary only.

Author: Bob Benedict Logo A logo interpreter, with user interface like the Apple II logo. Shareware, author suggests $5 donation.

Author: Gerald Owens SetKey Keymap editor, version 1.0 demo. Version without save function disabled is $25. Author: Charles Carter (CodeWorks) Vpg Video Pattern Generator.

Creates displays useful for adjusting monitors and setting up live shots with center crosshair, frame, dots, H lines, V lines and an adjustable rectangle. Author: Mike Berro CONTENTS OF DISK 71 =================== AirFoil Airfoil generator utilizing the Joukowski transformation. Generates airfoil models as well as their corresponding streamline and pressure distributions. Includes source. Author: Russell Leighton AmiBas Some miscellaneous AmigaBASIC programs, including a 3D plot program, a caleidoscope, a C-A logo drawing program, a file comparison utility, a string search program, etc. Includes source. Author: Peter Kittel Blocks A variation of 'lines', but with variable color blocks.

Author: Gary Walker Comm Another nice terminal program. Version 1.34, binary only.

Author: DJ James DiskX A handy utility for poking around in the guts of an AmigaDOS file system. Binary only, but source available from author. Author: Steve Tibbett Fpic Fpic is an image processing program, designed specifically to be used in conjunction with digitized (Digi-View) lo-res black & white IFF picture files. Provides several filters, including average, binary (threshold), clipblit, cross, Sobel, Roberts, pixelize, sharpen, and a user defined matrix.

Also supports merging of two images, histogram, image compare, and remapping. Author: Bob Bush IconMk Iconmaker builds icons for files that were created without them. Version 1.2a, binary only.

Author: Eric Levy Icons Various new Icons from several sources. Author: Several NewFontsTwo new fonts; shalt18, an electronic ciruit element font, and ibm5, a PC like font, different from that for Sidecar.

Author: Peter Kittel PetCLI An AmigaBASIC program that allows editing in CLI command lines (similar to the PET and MYCLI). Includes source.

Author: Peter Kittel PWDemo Demo version 1.2 of the commercial product PowerWindows. PowerWindows aids in creation of custom windows, menus, and gadgets.

It will write C or assembly source implementing these, for linking with your programs. Author: Inovatronics Inc. Rot Program which generates and displays 3D objects. Consists of two pieces, an object editor and an action editor. The object editor creates 3D objects and the action editor defines up to 24 3D views of an object (which can be quickly cycled to get an animation effect). Version 0.5, binary only. French TimeSet Handy little utility to set the system time from the workbench environment, without resorting to preferences.

Author: Unknown (DEH?) CONTENTS OF DISK 72 =================== PicturesIt's been quite a while since the last disk with any pictures, so this one is just chock full of them. There are HAM pictures, high resolution B&W digitized pictures, and some interesting freehand drawings.

Has a little of everything. CONTENTS OF DISK 73 =================== Add Lets you create keyboard shortcuts for selection of menu items in programs where the author did not make provisions for such shortcuts, or chose ones that disagree with you. Also includes 'until' which waits for a specific named window to be created. Shareware, includes source.

Author: John Russell AutoIconOpenExample code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving mouse inputs that select and open icons. Includes source.

Author: Tony Wills Dio A module which makes it very easy to use EXEC devices, such as the 'serial.device'. It's generic and can be used with any EXEC device. It allows you to easily open libraries, get multiple IO channels for a device, read, write, do asyncronous operations, etc.

Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon DissolveA program like ViewILBM, but the image slowly coalesces as pixels are added in random patterns.

Inspired by an article in Nov 86 issue of Doctor Dobb's Journal by Mike Morton. Includes source. Author: Lee Robertson DTerm Small, flexible, terminal program with intelligent data mapping, intelligent keyboard mapping, dynamic menus, intelligent command language, asyncronous IO, duplex control, and a state machine structure allowing you to build any automatic control structure you wish (from auto-redial, sequence dialing, to auto-logon). Version 1.10, binary only.

Author: Matt Dillon Expose Program which will automatically cause all screen drag bars and screen depth-arrangers to become exposed. Sends a message to windows which obscure the screen drag bars, asking them to move down a pixel, and also to become smaller if necessary. Includes source. Author: John Russell Lit Lit filters a file to stdout, showing all characters in an unambiguous format. Printable characters are printed as is, non-printable characters are printed in any of three representation formats. Version 2.0, includes source. Author: Donald Irving Lmv This shareware program, submitted by the author, is called 'Long Movie'.

It loads up to 100 IFF graphics files and displays them in forward or reverse order, at up to 19 frames per second, to create computer animations for VCR recording. Binary only, source available from author. Author: Jim Webster MouseOffMouseoff will cause the mouse pointer to disappear and then reappear if mouse movement is detected. It will disappear again after 10 seconds of no mousing around. Includes source.

Author: Denny Jenkins ParOut An example that uses the parallel port resources (ciaa.resource and misc.resource) to access the parallel port directly. Compiled, but untested, since I have nothing hooked to mine. Includes source. Author: Phillip Lindsay PenPalFontA font which will make your six year old feel right at home in a CLI window. Author: Burton Ogden RunBackGroundAncient history, but when I went looking for it on my disks, it was apparently something I missed. This program performs a function similar to that performed by RunBack on disk number 66, but this one is in C rather than assembler. Includes source.

Author: Rob Peck SnapShotA small utility for dumping screens. This one works like POPCLI and stays dormant until you press Ctrl-Esc. Previous release on disk number 66 did not with with expansion ram, this one does. Author: Francois Rouaix TypeAndTellExample program that demonstrates installation of an input device handler before the Intuition one. This example traps all keys typed by the user and pronounces them in real time. To quit press CNTL LEFT-SHIFT LEFT- ALT RIGHT-AMIGA simultaneously.

Includes source. Author: Giorgio Galeotti Xplor A program that scans all the system lists that start in ExecBase and prints out their names and addresses at which they start. Includes assembly source. Author: Larry Phillips CONTENTS OF DISK 74 =================== Cled A simple command line editor which allows you to edit your commands before and after they are processed. Uses the arrow keys and simple control sequence keystrokes for cursor positioning and editing tasks. Version 1.3, binary only.

Author: Pat Empleo Control Program which provides finer control over the printer device. When it sees a DUMPRPORT, it fires up a requestor and lets you play with the values being passed in the IORequest block.

Includes source. Author: Andy Finkel Dme Version 1.25 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.

Update to version on disk number 59. Author: Matt Dillon DropShadowA program that makes your WorkBench windows have dropshadows. Update to version on disk number 59, this one has slider gadgets to adjust the 3-dimensional distance between window planes and the shadow darkness. Neat, version 2.0, binary only. Author: Jim Mackraz Funds AmigaBASIC program to track the prices of mutual funds or stocks.

Includes source. Author: Bill Strack Less Like Unix 'more', only better, with forward and backward scrolling, searching and positioning by percent of file and line number, etc. This is Amiga version 1.1, an update to the version on disk number 34.

Includes source. Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian MakemakeReads C source files and constructs a vanilla makefile in the current directory. Includes source. Author: Tim McGrath mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.2.4.

Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like 'line', 'box', and 'text') and a small set of editing functions (like 'move', 'size', and 'rotate'). While drawing and editing, the user can call on other functions to modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose a grid, etc. Update to version on disk number 59. Shareware, binary only.

Author: Tim Mooney Random Simple random number generator in C. Includes source. Author: Gene Toole (?) TDebug Monitor a device by intercepting the EXEC SendIO and DoIO vectors. This will give you most of the IO request information for any device.

Version 1.00, includes source. Author: Matt Dillon Units Units conversion program, including a chart option which allows you to create charts of conversions. Includes source. Author: Gregory Simpson XCopy A replacement for the AmigaDOS copy command. Preserves the file date, provides an 'update only' option, and uses Unix type wildcards. Author: Lee Robertson CONTENTS OF DISK 75 =================== Bezier Simple programs to allow you to fool around with Bezier curves, using the mouse to move the points that define the curve and a prop gadget to change the granularity of the curve generation loop.

Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon BSplinesSimple program to fool around with B-SPLINES, ala the Bezier programs described above. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon Comm Source release for comm version 1.34. Last release on disk number 71 was binary only. Copy A replacement for the AmigaDOS copy program that is upwardly compatible, plus includes some new features like date preservation. Version 1.0, includes source.

Author: Jeff Lydiatt Diff A simple version of diff. Includes source. Author: Erik Baalbergen DuM2 A version of the ever popular directory utility (dirutil) but this one is written in Modula 2 and includes source. Dirutil is a program to wander around a directory tree and perform various operations on files.

Author: Greg Browne Eless A faster directory lister, that also sorts entries and displays directories in the current cursor color (ala the Manx 'ls' program). Includes source.

Author: Leo Schwab Fd A modified version of Leo's 'eless' that processes an entire track at a time, to minimize rereading of blocks. Includes source. Author: Leo Schwab, enhancements by Stephen Vermeulen HardCopyA neat little program that creates a hardcopy transcript of any CLI session (like the unix 'script' program). Includes source. Author: Davide Cervone MouseOffEnhanced and smaller version of MouseOff released on disk number 73. MouseOff will cause the mouse pointer to disappear and then reappear if mouse movement is detected.

Includes source. Author: Denny Jenkins, reworked by Tom Smythe SetFont Program to change the font used by a workbench screen. Version 2.0, source included. Author: Dave Haynie SpeedDirAnother faster directory lister type program.

This one uses the standard dir utility format for displaying directories. Written in assembler, includes source. Author: Bryce Nesbitt CONTENTS OF DISK 76 =================== Draco This is disk 1 of 2 of Chris Gray's Draco distribution for the Amiga. CONTENTS OF DISK 77 =================== Draco This is disk 2 of 2 of Chris Gray's Draco distribution for the Amiga. CONTENTS OF DISK 78 =================== Cycles A simple but enjoyable game apparently inspired by the cycle game in the movie 'Tron'.

Version 1.0, binary only. Author: John G. Gilmore EOMS Experts Only Mercenary Simulator. A neat (and tough!) PD game that was originally developed for eventual commercial release but for various reasons the author decided to release as PD instead. So far my son has beat every other Amiga game I've got, both PD and commercial, but he gave up on this one. For serious game players.

Author: Daniel Cardenas MandelVroomA new Mandelbrot picture generator with some neat features, including use of contour map making techniques that allow you direct control over coloration and recoloration in seconds, selectable fixed point or floating point computations, contour palette, picture presets, etc. Version 1.50, includes source. Author: Kevin Clague CONTENTS OF DISK 79 =================== AsmToolsSome CLI type tools, written in assembler (echo, loadit, mounted, setlace, why). Includes source. Author: Bryce Nesbitt AssignDevAssigns multiple names to a given device. For example, allows the names 'df0:' and 'df3:' to refer to the same physical device.

Includes source. Author: Phillip Lindsay AuxHandlerExample of a dos handler that allows use of a CLI via the serial port. Includes source. Author: Steve Drew Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output to a file.

Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging or 'offline' printing. Includes source. Author: Carolyn Scheppner Info Replacement for the AmigaDOS info command.

Includes source. Author: Chuck McManis Kill Removes a task and as much of its resources as possible. Can close windows, unload process code, etc.

Includes source. Author: George Musser M2Error M2error can be used to display compile errors produced by the TDI Modula-2 compiler, like the m2error supplied by TDI.

Includes source. Author: Richie Bielak MonProc An enhanced version of the process packet monitoring program from disk number 69. Includes source. Author: Phillip Lindsay, enhancements by Davide Cervone Mounted A little program to run from CLI scripts to find out if a disk is mounted or not. Includes source.

Author: Peter DaSilva Nro Another roff style text formatter. Includes source. Author: Unknown, posted to usenet by Alan Vymetalik ParTask Example program for finding the parent task of your current task. Includes source. Author: Andry Rachmat QueryAnySimple program for use in CLI scripts to query for yes/no decisions.

Includes assembler source. Author: Mark Smith ScnSizerSets the preferences data for increasing the window bounds, and takes effect immediately. Includes source. Author: Thad Floryan SharedLibWorking example of how to build a shared library. Includes source.

Author: James Synge Task Simple example of how to use CreateTask. Includes source. Author: Carolyn Scheppner Uw Unix Windows client for the Amiga. Version 1.00, includes source. Author: Michael McInerny Who Lists tasks on the ready and wait queues.

Includes source. Author: George Musser CONTENTS OF DISK 80 =================== Disk #80This disk replaces disk number 80, which was pulled from circulation due to the redistribution status of files in the directory 'tools'. If you encounter a disk number 80 in circulation, please advise all parties concerned that the disk should be erased immediately. This original disk number 80 has been replaced by disk number 90. CONTENTS OF DISK 81 =================== Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.1.0, binary only. Well documented. Wesley Howe AutoFaccAutofacc automatically shrinks the ASDG FACC window and moves it to the back.

Also allows the number of buffers to be increased or decreased. Most useful from the Startup-Sequence file while booting.

Author: Andry Rachmat Brushes Contains 53 custom brushes for use in DPaint while drawing schematics. Includes things like resistors, capacitors, gates, transistors, IC pacs, etc. Author: Jim Lee CheckIFFProgram to check the structure of IFF files and report any problems. Author: Unknown Cled A simple command line editor which allows you to edit your commands before and after they are processed. Uses the arrow keys and simple control sequence keystrokes for cursor positioning and editing tasks.

Update to version on disk number 74, this is version 1.4, binary only. Author: Pat Empleo Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console handler, that provides line editing and command line histories completely transparent to any application program that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well worth a donation to the author.

Version 0.99B, binary only. Author: William Hawes Fonts Several miscellaneous new fonts for your enjoyment. Author: (Several) Icon Version 6.0 of the public domain implementation of Icon from the University of Arizona. Author: Ralph Griswold, Cary Coutant, Steve Wampler, et al. Amiga port by Scott Ballantyne KeyLock Freezes the keyboard and mouse until the correct password is typed.

Protection against inquisitive kids, cats, and other lifeforms. Author: Andry Rachmat Scat Another display hack, created from Leo Schwab's 'Ing' display hack. Author: Stephen Pietrowicz Smush Another display hack, feed it an iff file and see what happens. Author: Hobie Orris Target A little program which takes over the mouse pointer and turns it into a gunsight. Pressing the mouse button flashes the pointer and gives a gunshot.

Version 1.23, binary only. Author: Matt Fruin and Michael McCarty CONTENTS OF DISK 82 =================== AdventureA port of the classic Adventure game originally written by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Has been extended to a 550 point version. Also speaks as it prints (though I found this feature annoying). Minimum 512K recommended. Author: David Platt, Ken Wellsch, Dave Haynie AmicTermA new terminal/communications program based on Dan James' 'comm' program, but greatly enhanced.

Includes a script language, auto redialing, choice of display beep or audible beep, enhanced file requester, and more. Version.50 (beta), binary only. Author: David Salas and Albert Kirk D2D-DemoDemo version of Disk-2-Disk from Central Coast Software (submitted by George Chamberlin). Author: Central Coast Software DX-SynthVoice filer program for Yamaha DX series synthesizers. Voices are transfered to and from the Amiga over MIDI.

Update to 'VoiceFiler' released on disk number 38. Author: Jack Deckard DiskMan Another 'disk browser and/or dirutil' type program. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Greg Cunningham Icons Miscellaneous new disk, directory, and file icons, including John Olsen's great 'fishdisk' icon (thanks John!). Author: Several Panl A universal midi patch panel that allows midi parameter info to be sent from the Amiga to any midi device that can accept param info. Version 1.2, binary only. Author: David Weinbach Rocket Another interesting Workbench display hack.

This one is really a game in disguise. Author: Peter da Silva Sand This program has 'magnetic grains of sand' that follow the pointer wherever it goes. Author: Eric Vaughan CONTENTS OF DISK 83 =================== TeX This disk contains a demo version of TeX, ported to the Amiga by Tomas Rokicki. Since this is a demo version of Tom's commercial product, it has several limitations that let you get the flavor of the real thing but encourage you to buy the commercial version. These limitations include TeX being limited to processing only small files, the previewer being limited to displaying ten pages or less, and only a small number of fonts being provided. The full version of AmigaTeX comes on eight floppies and will handle larger documents than most mainframe versions of TeX.

See the tex/README file for further info. CONTENTS OF DISK 84 =================== AudioToolsDemo programs from Rob Peck's article in the July/August issue of Amiga World on accessing the audio device. Includes source. Author: Rob Peck BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.

It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate individual registers and perform blits on a magnified bitmap. This is version 1.2, an update to the version released on disk number 69. Includes source. Author: Tomas Rokicki Ed An editor based on the editor described in the original Software Tools book. It is very similar to the Unix 'ed' editor, but not identical.

Includes source. Author: Brian Beattie GravityWarsThe object of this game is for one player to hit the other player's ship with a missle, before being hit yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields and black holes makes hitting your target difficult. Version 1.04, shareware, author suggests $5 donation. This is an update to the version on disk number 70, and includes source in Modula-2.

Author: Ed Bartz HunkPad Two programs to help reduce problems with padding added by xmodem transmission. Hamilton and Aaron Avery PipeHandlerAn AmigaDOS pipe device which supports OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, LOCK, EXAMINE, and EXNEXT. Thus you can have 'named pipes'. It also supports 'taps' on a pipe, to capture all data flowing through the pipe. Version 1.2, includes source. Author: Ed Puckett PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any time without having to load workbench or exit whatever program you may be using.

Also has a builtin screen saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time. Version III, an update to the version on disk number 40.

Includes source. Author: John Toebes RequesterA file name requester that looks like the one used in Deluxe Paint, and a sample program for using the requester. This is an update to the version released on disk number 34. Includes source. Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Randy Finch ScottDeviceA mountable MicroForge SCSI driver. Supports one SCSI buss device with two hard disk units attached to it. Version 33.1, includes source.

Author: Scott Turner Viacom Another of Leo's amusing little hacks. Sort of a political statement regarding the quality of service of a certain San Francisco area cable TV service. Includes source.

Author: Leo Schwab CONTENTS OF DISK 85 =================== Csh Version 2.06 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified for Manx C. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew FileReq Another file requester, but this one also has a fast pattern matching capability.

Includes source. Author: Peter da Silva Hide A small utility to allow you to run old or ill-written applications on systems with expansion ram. When hide is running, all memory allocations take place in chip memory. Somehow, something like this missed making it onto my earlier disks. Author: Francois Rouaix ImageToolsA set of shareware tools, submitted by the author, to do various manipulations on IFF images, including comparison of the color palettes of a pair of IFF images, filtering an IFF image in various ways, producing a color usage frequency chart for an IFF image, reducing the size of an IFF image to produce a miniature to use as an icon, converting an icon to an IFF image, and recoloring an IFF image using the palette of a second image, in a least squared error fashion. Shareware, binary only.

Author: Stephen Vermeulen LowMem Another fine freely redistributable product from ASDG. This one is a low memory server, which is a compact shared library which allows arbitrary processes to register their desire to be notified of impending memory shortages. This allows good citizen programs to free up memory that they may not need, so other programs can use it. Author: Perry Kivolowitz Plot6 A star plotting program. Short on documentation and user friendliness, but interesting nevertheless. Also includes source.

Author: Darrin West RawIO Example of how to set your standard input to what is commonly known as 'raw' and/or 'CBREAK' mode on Unix systems. Includes source. Author: Chuck McManis Rocket Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one is really a game in disguise.

It is the same as the one on disk number 82, but also includes source. Author: Peter da Silva VMore A shareware program, submitted by the author, that is a 'more' like text file viewing utility that can be run on multiple files from either the WorkBench or the CLI. Version 1.00, includes source. Author: Stephen Vermeulen Vnews A simple news file reader, that will read all the news files in a specified directory, optionally starting with a specified file. Includes source. Author: Stephen Vermeulen CONTENTS OF DISK 86 =================== AutoPointAutopoint serves two functions: it automatically selects the window underneath the mouse pointer and it provides a very nice screen saver facility. Author: Jude Katsch ClickToFrontClickToFront extends the user-interface so that a double-click into a window brings it to the front.

Now as long as you can see any part of a window you can bring it to the front without having to hunt for the page gadgets. Version 1.1, includes source. Author: Bryce Nesbitt Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging or 'offline' printing. Version 3, includes source.

Author: Carolyn Scheppner FileIISG-DemoA demo version of Softwood File IIsg, a database manager with sound and graphics. Also includes a database of of previously released disks in this library, courtesy of Stan Spence. Author: Woody Williams and Donald Brady CONTENTS OF DISK 87 =================== AdvSys An adventure writing system, as described in the May 1987 issue of Byte magazine. Advsys is a special purpose programming language that was specifically designed to be used to write computer text adventure games. Version 1.2, binary only.

Author: David Betz AutoIconOpenExample code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving mouse inputs that select and open icons. This is version 1.2, an update to the version on disk number 73. Includes source.

Author: Tony Wills Claz Converts IFF picture files to POSTSCRIPT. Works with Amiga HAM pictures, as well as 'normal' pictures.

Also includes scaling. Version 2.0, includes source. Author: Steve Ludtke CommoditiesCommodities Exchange, an Amiga exec library which can be opened and used by application programs to gain access to input in a very flexible way. This is a 'minimal, binary only' copy. Source may be available on a future disk. Author: Jim Mackraz Diff A simple version of diff.

Update to version on disk number 75, includes source. Author: Erik Baalbergen Dme Version 1.27 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense.

Features include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update to version on disk number 74. Author: Matt Dillon DropShadowA program that makes your WorkBench windows have dropshadows. This is version 2.0, the same as on disk number 74, but also includes source. Author: Jim Mackraz Elib Example of building a shared library using small model Manx C. Includes source. Author: Jim Mackraz ID-HandlerAn AmigaDOS device handler, that generates unique identifiers.

Generates a new unique 16 digit decimal number each time it is opened by an application. Version 1.0, includes source. Author: Ed Puckett Install Two possible replacement versions of the standard install program (to make a disk bootable).

Includes source. Author: Bryce Nesbitt and Scott Turner MemWatchMemwatch is a program intended to sit in the background and watch for random trashing of low memory by an application under development.

If it detects a write to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there, then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been done. Version II, includes source. Author: John Toebes MovePointerMoves the pointer to any specified location on the screen, specified by X-Y coordinates. Includes source. Author: 'Cewy' MoveWindowMove a named window to any arbitrary X-Y coordinate and possibly resize it at the same time.

Includes source. Author: 'Cewy' MunchingSqLeo's 'Munching Squares' hack, now upgraded to take a single argument for a seed value. Includes source. Author: Leo Schwab PalTest Example code of how to determine dynamically whether or not you are running on a PAL machine. Includes source. Author: Christof Bonnkirch Sc Program which demonstrates generation of good looking pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in C (translated from Draco version on disk number 61).

Author: Chris Gray Tek4695 A Tek4695 printer driver. Author: Philip Staub WBDualPFAn example of using a dual-playfield screen, using a method contrary to documentation in the Intuition Manual. Fixed version of copy released on disk number 41. Includes source. Author: Jim Mackraz WarpTextFast text rendering routines, to be linked with application programs.

Reported to be able to display text as fast, or faster than, 'blitz'. Includes source. Author: Bill Kelly Yaiffr Yet Another IFF Reader.

Handles HAM, HIRES, and overscan, includes source. Author: Leo Schwab Zoo A file archiver, much like 'arc' in concept, but different in implementation and user interface details. Includes some nice features that 'arc' lacks (such as file/path names up to 255 characters in length). Version 1.42A, binary only. Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters CONTENTS OF DISK 88 ===========.

When did you last buy a mouse? Did it have a little adapter in the box? There was a time when if you bought a USB mouse, in the box was also an adapter to allow it to be used with the older PS/2 interface. And if you were to go back a few more years into the past, you’d have found when you bought a mouse with a PS/2 connector fitted, it may well have come with an adapter for a 9-pin RS232 serial port. Those mice from a decade or more ago would have contained the software to recognise the interface into which they were plugged, and emulate it accordingly. It is unlikely then that you could take a modern USB-only device and an unholy chain of USB-to-PS/2-to-serial adapters, and have it work as a serial mouse.

Want to run Windows 3.1 on a 386DX? You need a serial mouse. Happily, [matze525] has come along with a solution for those of you with a need to drive an ancient PC with a serial mouse.

He’s created, and it takes the form of a little PCB with an AT90S2313P microcontroller to do the translation and an RS232 level converter chip. It might sound like a rather unexpected device to produce, but we can see it fills an important niche. In the early 1990s mice were not the reliable optical devices we have today, instead they had nasty mechanical connections inside, or if you were extremely lucky, optical encoder wheels.

The supply of still-reliable RS232 mice must therefore be dwindling, and if you have a Windows 3.1 PC to keep alive then we can see the ability to use a more modern pointing device has a lot going for it. If you have one of those machines from that era that came with proprietary interfaces, maybe you can make use of. Posted in Tagged,,,,,, Post navigation. I have one in a box somewhere, Envision an axle with a disk on the end, kind of like a dremel cutoff bit. On that disk are traces that look like spokes emanating from a solid ring near the axle, but about halfway out, they dogleg a bit, and then continue out to the edge. Then, in the sensor there are three brushes.

One toward the center that contacts the ring. This is the ground brush.

Then about a third of the way out a brush (the A signal), then two thirds of the way out another brush (the B signal) that picks up the trace after the dogleg. So what happens is, A and B have pullups on them and will generate a square wave on the brush when rotated as the brush hits the ground trace on the wheel. However, because of the dogleg, there is a 90° phase shift between A and B. This generates quadrature signaling. It’s probably described elsewhere, but quadrature signaling is two square waves with 90° phase between them, such that if A leads B, you are moving clockwise, and if B leads A, you are moving counterclockwise. Every edge is a count, although usually there is one bit of hysteresis to avoid jittering if the mouse stops on an edge. Put one encoder on a vertical axle, and another on a horizontal axle, and you can then determine XY motion distance and direction.

Just to follow that up, an optical wheel encoder has a similar wheel but instead of traces, it is just a plastic wheel with actual spokes and gaps. There is an IRLED placed on one side of the wheel, and a dual phototransistor placed on the other side such that one PTR is above the other, so that as the wheel rotates, a spoke covers one before the other. These are your A/B signals, and they generate quadrature just like the copper version. These never wear out but can get dirty. They also are subject to part-to-part tolerance issues, so there is a gain algorithm to condition the signal after capture for dirt or part tolerance to create clean 50% duty digitized signals to send to the quadrature decoding firmware. Ah,, so it’s like a dial on a cheap multimeter. That stuff is still used in POV and some machines though, it should be usable; albeit sensitive to debris and feeling scratchy in use maybe.

Incidentally, I’m familiar with the standard IR interrupt system, and that is also a standard that is used today in many things including half of the mouse-wheels. And talking of which, the cheap mice have wheels that from the looks of it might actually also work with the old brush system come to think of it, while the actual sensor is modern. USB, PS2 and Serial have one thing in common: Two data pins. They behave differently, and so a mouse can detect what it is connected to based on the initial behavior of the three interfaces. For example, if both lines are high for over 100 uS, then it is not USB. The host will respond to a query. The host will respond to an ASCII ‘M’ sent over the Tx line.

Anyway, yes, a microcontroller in the mouse that knows this and that can reconfigure its data pins is certainly capable of talking to any such host, as long as the appropriate mechanical connector adapters are used. In some cases, the adapter might have resistors to serve as pullups or pulldowns (PS2 to USB, for example) but in general are passive.

In the USB/PS2 case, the mouse has to be enabled by the host, so it can toggle between the two modes to see which type of enable it gets. Once it gets one, it knows without a doubt what it is connected to. I found some pictures from 1999 Comdex stage with Bill showing off huge Intellimouse Explorer model Cant locate any video from that keynote, maybe Microsoft enforced no filming rule after their 1998 Comdex BSOD live on stage performance:) I even have one of the original Intellimouse Explorers, sadly unusable, 17 year old scroll wheel rubber is seeping elastomer? And melting:( Interview with Gary Gordon, the HP/Agilent(now Avago, best mice sensors available) inventor, mouse bit at 29:40: spoiler, he didnt get shit for his inventions, he elaborates at 40:10. I thought I was a hoarder. I have long since disposed of all those mouse adapter dongles. I do however still have one of the very first Microsoft Optical Wheel mice (pre-Intellimouse) from 1991 and it still works perfectly.

You can still buy them as NOS for about $15. However, other than retro-computing or a museum, why would you still be rocking Win 3.1? And if you are a retro user or museum, wouldn’t you want a genuine period mouse? I just looked and I have one USB->PS/2 adapter left.

I’ve got a Sun Microsystems mouse I have to get working someday for swank value. Probably a couple of serial ones lurking in the back boxes. Also got one around somewhere that the designer tried hard not to put a curve in, angled flats on top of it. Think I have at least 2 386 boards also, I think I kind of accidentally acquired those.

I badly regret getting rid of one in a move a long while ago, it was awesome, approx 3/4 A4 sized mini AT with an AMD 386sx40 I guess I could pick one up on eBay but that particular one got me through the early-mid 90s. The bus mouse itself had no active components.

It was literally encoders and buttons wired out to a DIN-9 plug. You needed an ISA card to bring those signals into the PC and decode them into motion and buttons. There were no standards at this time, everyone rolled their own, and PCs did not come with serial or parallel ports, you bought an ISA card for everything. The InPort card was an improvement over the original Microsoft ISA bus mouse card that used a repurposed Intel 8255 PPI chip to do the conversion to something that could be transported over ISA to the mouse driver. That chip was available but expensive, complicated and not ideal in many other ways. InPort supported not only mouse, but other protocols such as joystick, interrupt reassignment, edge vs level triggering, and multiple devices.

However, it was only actually sold on the bus mouse ISA card and never got to use its other features, as the microcontroller market exploded with cheaper solutions before its other modes could be exploited, and the serial port became the ubiquitous ISA card that most folks bought for modems and other peripherals, along with the parallel card for their printer. So, Microsoft moved to serial mice, then to PS/2 as IBM sought to put as many proprietary buses into the PC as possible to recapture the market revenue (MCA, PS/2, etc). PS/2 had a richer command set, and had mouse and keyboard protocols, whereas the DIN5 PCAT interface only worked with keyboards. The DIN5 PCXT did not support the ability to control keyboard LEDs but this was added to the PCAT DIN5. PS2 added support for the mouse, including controls for mouse resolution, and keyboard controls to change Scan Sets. Later the protocol was extended for Thinkpad TrackPoint (eraser) pointers.

That was a hackjob that broke many KVM switches. But that is another story. The PS/2 spec has several errors in it. When I brought that up to the folks in Boca Raton, I was told by one of their senior engineers that the spec writer was “no longer with the company” and was a “very junior engineer,” such that I was to interpret that to mean, yes, we know. We fired that intern.