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How To Install Efashion Universe Images

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 05/12/17
How To Install Efashion Universe Images

Jun 22, 2017. DC Universe Online updated their cover photo. Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s. Business Objects universe design and metadata modeling. Universe is a semantic layer that maps complex data into descriptive business terms used across the. Oct 13, 2016. Hi,I have installed SBOP_BI_PLAT_4.0SP9_CLNT tools. Now I want to access Efashion universe. I checked in the below path but I did not find any universe.C: SAP BusinessObjects SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0 Samples webi Kindly let me know additiona.

How To Install Efashion Universe Images

Four years ago, I wrote an article entitled. With SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 SP3 soon going into general availability, I thought it might be interesting to review the current status of my original wish list. Tree control for Web Intelligence universe selection No improvements here and none expected for the forthcoming SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 Support Pack 3. But perhaps SAP will surprise us with a redesigned universe selector panel in the fully-functional Java-free Web Intelligence coming next year in Support Pack 4? Improved visual distinction between UNV and UNX universes in Web Intelligence I don’t think there’s been much change here. Still an opportunity for some subtle UI improvements. OLAP universe support for Explorer Lack of OLAP support for this aging product is by design according to. My friend who requested it got tired of waiting and is now a Tableau developer.

UNX universe support for Live Office Fixed. UNX support was finally added to starting with SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1 SP6.

Live Office isn’t for everyone, but Excel geeks seem to really like it. And Live Office is going to live on in the simplified BI portfolio as its functionality is converged into a future version of Analysis for Microsoft Office. Improved qualification selection in Information Design Tool Fixed. There have been many usability improvements in the Information Design Tool and this is one of them. If you last took a look at Information Design Tool way back when version 4.0 was released, it’s time to take a second look at the new 4.2 release. Corporate customization of Central Management Console This request is still unfulfilled but perhaps we’ll see something when the CMC gets the Fiori treatment next year?

I’m not looking for robust customization like the BI Launch Pad has. I just want a simple way to change some text strings and colors (using preset themes) to easily distinguish multiple landscapes in the BI lifecycle (Development, Test, Production). No more monolithic Adaptive Processing Server Fixed. SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1 introduced the System Configuration Wizard for APS configuration and some other post-installation tasks, which you can read about. My big gripe here continues to be that Design Studio and Lumira both add services to the Adaptive Processing Server.

Because these two products are “add-ons”, the System Configuration Wizard doesn’t accommodate them very well. I hope the situation will improve next year when Lumira and Design Studio 2.0 standardize on a single server-size engine. Improved control of Web Intelligence default paper size Still an open item. Since non-A4 paper size mostly an accommodation for American users, no doubt this improvement is far down on the enhancement backlog, if it’s there at all. Perhaps paper size is less relevant in a greener 21st century? Improved browser support Fixed. SAP has made major strides in browser support. The biggest obstacle to browser support is how various browsers handle (or refuse to handle) plugins like Adobe Flash and Oracle Java.

Fortunately, SAP is working really hard to deliver a plugin-free version of the platform, starting with enhancements to the Web Intelligence HTML panel in the forthcoming BI 4.2 SP3. Improved and better organized sample content Still as bad as before, except that SAP has added some really nice sample content for mobile devices (see related article, ). Conclusion SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence BI 4.2 Support Pack 3 is almost ready for general availability and contains some really exciting improvements, including four of the items on this wish list.

But I hope there’s still time to include the remaining six improvements in BI 4.2 SP4. What’s on your SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 SP3 wish list? Author Posted on Categories Tags,,,. Connect to SAP BusinessObjects BI Universes as a data source in for Excel — Microsoft BI (@MicrosoftBI) It’s certainly an interesting development, as Live Office 4.0 did not receive any significant updates. Its inability to query new UNX universes from the Information Design Tool is a curious omission. My co-worker Ahmed Sherrif thinks Live Office is as good as dead (see related article on the EV Technologies blog, ). Looking for answers, I posted a question to Twitter that’s probably on the minds of a lot of SAP BusinessObjects Live Office users.

MT Microsoft Power BI connecting to BusinessObjects >Big News IMO >agreed but where is press release? — Dallas Marks (@DallasMarks) So we don’t know if it is the official successor to SAP BusinessObjects Live Office. There had previously been some rumblings from SAP that Live Office functionality would be migrated to SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Microsoft Office. The lack of official news from SAP confirms my suspicion that nobody ever got promoted for being Live Office product manager. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0 (BI4 or BI 4.0) went into general availability in September 2011 after a lengthy ramp-up period.

But despite the delays, there were still many features missing or deferred to what we now know as Feature Pack 3 (FP3). Here are my picks for “must have” features in Feature Pack 3, based on my experiences so far with the current release. I have no inside information about Feature Pack 3’s final feature list, I’m just making the case that these ten features should be coming, if not in Feature Pack 3 then in Support Package 4. Tree control for Web Intelligence universe selection When choosing a universe in Web Intelligence, the user is presented with (cue fanfare of trombones) a list. This sad situation has been the case for far too long. Although the universe folder is displayed next to the universe (in the most confusing way possible), the current UI doesn’t help users navigate through our purposefully constructed universe folder structures. This situation is also a problem on the BI Launch Pad home screen, where I may have recently used universes with the same name but in different folders.

Users need to always quickly grasp the universe’s location. And more detailed information via a mouse-over of the universe name would be a nice touch. Improved visual distinction between UNV and UNX universes in Web Intelligence SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0 introduced the Information Design Tool (IDT) and its new semantic layer.

Universes created by the IDT have a UNX extension rather than the legacy UNV extension. But in the current UI, the only way to tell the difference is that the UNX suffix is appended to a new universe while the old UNV universes have none. I am finding the process of testing converted UNX universes versus their unconverted counterparts to be very tedious. I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for here (unique icons?) but would like some usability improvements.

OLAP universe support for Explorer Not sure whether this is coming in Feature Pack 3 or not, so I’m mentioning it. Currently, Explorer 4.0 can only create information spaces on relational UNX universes, not OLAP ones ( UPDATE: see ). UNX universe support for Live Office Live Office didn’t receive a lot of enhancements in BI 4.0, although the ability to push a spreadsheet back to Explorer is an interesting addition. Live Office currently supports classic universes.

Will the situation be changed in Feature Pack 3 to support UNX universes? UPDATE: According to, UNX functionality “is in the roadmap but [has] no confirmed date from the [SAP] product group” (although the rumor mill is suggesting we’ll see this feature in BI 4.1 SP6). Improved qualification selection in Information Design Tool While there are many new workflows in what is essentially a brand new product, there are several from the old Universe Design Tool that I miss. One is the ability to easily change an object’s qualification from dimension to detail (now called an attribute) to measure. In fact, I have so far been unable to figure out how to convert an existing dimension to a detail (uh, attribute) or vice versa.

Corporate customization of Central Management Console Feature Pack 3 includes vastly improved customization capabilities for the BI Launch Pad, which will be greatly enhanced from what existed for InfoView in SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1. But what about the Central Management Console (CMC)? I would like to be able to choose from multiple pre-defined “themes” that tastefully change the color scheme of the CMC to indicate which environment I’m using (Development, QA, Production, etc.). These themes should be based on which cluster I’m logged into, not which web application server I’m using. I frequently have multiple browser tabs open to multiple environments but visually they’re alike- indistinguishable.

Literally seeing red, for example, would help me remember that I’m working with the production cluster and shouldn’t do anything stupid. I’d also like to see the cluster name at the top of each web page, perhaps next to my login name. And maybe a long “pretty” name for the cluster if my organization has cryptic standards for cluster name. Lastly, the cluster name should appear in the browser tag, so I can infer the environment on minimized browser windows, too.

No more monolithic Adaptive Processing Server The BI 4.0 installation program creates a single, beastly Adaptive Processing Server (APS) that according to “best practices” should be divided into multiple APS’s. Regardless of whether the current situation is a result of the BI 4.0 installation team trying to meet a deadline or concern about minimal memory requirements, this situation must be handled by the Feature Pack 3 installation program. XI 3.0’s revised CMC introduced the ability to view services by application (Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, etc.) and the out-of-the-box configuration of the APS should continue to support this important idea.

For example, if I’m a non-SAP ERP customer, I want to see APS’s clearly defined for SAP that can be safely turned off, just like I could turn off clearly labeled Desktop Intelligence servers if I didn’t need them.’ UPDATE: Early adopters of BI4 will want to read, a chipper article entitled “Adaptive Processing Server and Adaptive Job Server in SAP BI 4.0 are using high amounts of memory and are hard to manage and troubleshoot.” UPDATE: SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1 introduces the System Configuration Wizard for APS configuration and some other post-installation tasks, which you can read about. Improved control of Web Intelligence default paper size For those readers outside the United States, A4 paper is as unfamiliar to most Americans as the metric system or soccer (which you call football). So one of our first post-installation tasks is switching the default paper size to A4 (see my ). Worm Ebook Web Serials. Ideally, the paper size should be controlled via the Central Management Console and not by the web application tier per current practice. While we’re at it, let’s add printer support to the Web Intelligence Job Service identical to the Crystal Reports Job Service, both of which are now part of the BI 4.0 Adaptive Job Server.

Improved browser support Everyone assumes that Feature Pack 3 will finally bring Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 compatibility to the BI 4.0 platform. And SAP has promised to accommodate Mozilla’s need to update Firefox versions what seems like every 48 hours. These are all good developments. But I’d also like to see Apple Safari for Windows officially supported for the same versions as supported on the Macintosh. And I agree with Jamie Oswald (see related SAP Community Network article ) that we need support for mobile browsers, not just mobile applications. UPDATE: Google Chrome support was rumored for Feature Pack 3 but does not appear in the. Google’s browser adoption strategy appears to be “make Google Docs flaky enough in IE so enterprise customers will use our browser”.

SAP should officially support Google Chrome in Feature Pack 3. UPDATE: Support Pack 5 improves the browser support for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Sadly, Apple quietly discontinued the Safari browser for Windows platforms. Improved and better organized sample content BI4, just like XI 3.1 before it, has two versions of the eFashion universe. To make matters worse, they point to slightly different Microsoft Access databases with different year ranges. But the final insult for me is that the installation program rudely places content in the root universe folder.

So for Feature Pack 3, I’m asking for: • No universes placed in the root universe folder • A single top-level Samples folder, both for content (objects) as well as universes and connections • A single eFashion.unv universe, not two • An Information Design Tool that properly converts eFashion.unv to eFashion.unx. Don’t include eFashion.unx because I think it’s valuable for a customer to try out the IDT conversion feature. • A new sample UNX universe that brilliantly shows off all of the new features of the Information Design Tool.

And not eFashion, which has become as out of fashion as eBusiness. Unlike eFashion, this new universe will have at least one date object as part of a date hierarchy.

But I hope it still includes party pants. So that’s my list of ten features that absolutely must be in Feature Pack 3. What’s yours? Author Posted on Categories Tags,,,,,,,, Search for: Search You should follow me on Twitter Subscribe to Blog via Email.

Also watch - Create a Universe on a MS Access Data base using SAP Business Objects 4.0 Information Design Tool How to create universe in business objects - Create an ODBC connection to a MS Access database. - Create a project within IDT. - Create a connection to the Database. - Create a Data Foundation. - Create a Business Layer. - Publish the Business Layer Locally. - Create a report using Web Intelligence.

- Publish the connection. - Change connection in the Data Foundation - Publish the universe to the repository. You can download SAP Business Objects Edge at any one of the links below. OR AND Fill out form to get a trial key. Thanks, Naresh. Download Film Transformer 1 Subtitle Indonesia.