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Sound Horizon Elysion Rarity

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 30/12/17
Sound Horizon Elysion Rarity

» Explore the vast collection of beatmaps to find songs which suit your tastes. Elysion ~Rakuen Gensou Monogatari Kumikyoku~ (4th Story CD Elysion 〜楽園幻想物語組曲〜 Elysion ~ Paradise Fantasy Story Suite) is a story CD released by Sound Horizon on April 13, 2005. It is the second album released by Sound Horizon since its major debut, and the first story CD to be released.

This is a list of characters from 's so-called 'First Era' albums, where the band was but a budding doujin circle. Before Aramary dominated the vocals from Thanatos onwards, Sound Horizon's first album Chronicle is. Placing a greater emphasis on storytelling, this era is characterized by a prominent presence of spoken narrations. Following the release of Elysion ~Rakuen Gensou Monogatari Kumikyoku~ and Leviathan, Revo announced that Aramary has left the band due to undisclosed personal reasons, triggering the start of the band's Second Era and the formation of the Sound Horizon Kingdom. Despite, Revo has made it clear that Aramary's resignation was a peaceful one.

The promise I made with you, the thoughts I received from you, is our endless Chronicle.' The main protagonist of the whole album, Lucia is a girl who wholeheartedly believes that the world can actually be saved from the by forgoing the Chronicle and guiding it to the right path. •: The white crow mentioned on every instance of the tracks of Chronicle 2nd is possibly a representation of her. •: Refers to herself with this masculine pronoun. This is an important point, as the Winged Boy also uses the same pronoun. You are meant to distinguish between Lucia and the boy's subtle presence in the album. •: The reason why she was taken into the Black Order.

Sound Horizon Elysion Rarity

•: To Chronica. Whereas the latter is a fatalist who chooses to just go with whatever outcome the Chronicle (read: ) had predicted, Lucia wants to go exactly against it. Oh, •: She disagrees with the Black Order's complete submission under the reins of history. •: Revo singing 'Kuro no Yogensho' as Lucius, Lucia's dad, in the 3rd Territorial Expansion live concert indicates that Lucia's struggle in this album is the very same one her parents went through before. •: The counterpart to Chronica's.

•: Her parents are also defectors from the Black Order. Noah lampshades this trope to her in name. •: This little excerpt from 'Kuro no Yogensho' somewhat paints her in this light. Though it will repeat all over again, that is our path to attaining happiness. •: Lucius and Il ia makes Lucia!

•: Some drew her wearing either a pair of with this, or a. It's hard to determine what she's actually wearing, as there is no full-body official art of her wearing the clothes she had in the album cover. •: The bulk of her arc in the album is about breaking free from the Black Chronicle's shackles upon history and humanity. •: In the end all of her effort came to nothing, since the Great Flood destroyed them. However, does not mean the end of the universe;.

It is still possible for Lucia to continue her struggle, •: Sometimes her name is also transliterated as 'Rukia'. •: Chronica has stated that history does not allow altercations—indeed, as any altercations imposed upon the Chronicle’s predestined path is, and thus, it could be said that Lucia’s whole effort has already been predicted by the Chronicle, as well. Nonetheless, Lucia still wants to guide history to the ‘right’ course, whatever it is, so long as it's not as hopeless as was predicted.

•: Lucia's blue skirt/shorts fall under type A. 'All's well that ends well.' The personification of the Black Chronicle, or, rather, its whole “essence”. As she is the one who dictated the course of history, the Black Order venerated her as a God. In contrast to Lucia, Chronica, true to her nature, believes that there is no changing history and. •: Heavily implied to be the Beast that Devours History, but.what she is doing amounts to nothing but say that opposing Fate is hopeless. •: She is the 'Aggregate Sentience' of the Black Chronicle, taking the form of a young woman.

•: Appears in Shounen wa Tsurugi wo.' S back cover and the very last part of Nein's second track.

•:, since she is essentially a book. To her, to struggle against anything is futile since everything has been set in stone by the last chapter. Chronica: In the end for him /her, there is no escaping the clutches of fate. Though there will be no need for the slightest bit of pity, for not one soul—neither I nor you—can.. To her, the Chronicle, and thus, destiny, is inescapable, as no matter what you do, the path has always been predestined. Whatever seemingly defiant path you take has always been a predetermined possibility.

Thus, opposing anything is but a hopeless act of desperation.. •: To complement the. •: She is, after all, an omniscient book. And she isn't a minor one, either—'Seisen to Shinigami -Senjou wo Kakerumono' reveals that she isn't some obscure deity worshiped by a shadowy cult, as even the Emperor of the Holy Flandre Empire himself worships her. •: Often depicted as having floor-length hair. •: Just like the book of which she is an —jet-black cover, pure white pages. •: A type 1—in addition to being a, well, of human history, the Black Chronicle also predicts every single aspects of the world's future, culminating in on its 24th and final chapter.

•: As if having a isn't enough, she also has blood-red eyes. This made a lot of fans speculate that she might really be or an aspect of Michele Malebranche, since popular artistic interpretations often portray her as a red-eyed brunette.

•: She herself is this. Luna Ballad / 'The Earthly Moonlight'. Even if you take the light from my eyes, you'll never be able to take the song from my lips.' Protagonist of the song 'A Song Struggled Towards' ( 'Tadoritsuku Uta'), from the 9th chapter and page 883 of the Black Chronicle. She is the lover of Endymio Ballad, who perished right in the previous track after his poem enraged the ruling Queen of Britannia.

Nein reveals that the two used to be together until a certain battle. Earnestly believing that Endymio is still alive somewhere, Blinded on the way, she managed to find Endymio's.

Remains, in the form of In Nein, she reappears in track 2, “Na mo Naki Onna no Uta”. •: • Her whole search for her lover ended up with the discovery that:he was already dead since a long time ago, but she does manage to find his last song, dedicated to her. With this comes her recognition as a hero and a symbol of both struggle and peace by the people of Britannia due to her determination, and their everlasting respect. •: Literally becomes this, after she collapsed from exhaustion. •: Not much people would continue a journey alone while blind.

•: Her hometown and Endymio’s was most likely destroyed in a war, which would explain their separation. •: Even after becoming blind and losing her lover, she does not succumb to despair, but remains as determined as before.

This is why the people of Britannia came to hail her as their heroine. •: The song 'Tadoritsuku Uta' is about her determined quest to find her lover. •: With Endymio under the stars. She remembers it very dearly. •: Elevated as this following the events of 'Tadoritsuku Uta'.

•: In Nein her long hair is tied in this, though in name only since she's not a mother. •: Averted as of Nein. There is another woman with the same name in track 5.

•: 'The Earthly Moonlight', a nickname she earned after her elevation as a heroine. •: She is named after the note not to be confused with the Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, who is called Diana, just as her lover/husband is named after the mortal shepherd/prince the goddess fell in love with. •: Tadoritsuku Uta is one of the only two tracks in Chronicle 2nd (the other being Raijin no Sawan) that is not narrated by the album’s main narrator, but by its respective protagonists instead. •: Just like her lover. She wanders because she is searching for him. Endymio Ballad.

'A blooming rose cannot compare itself to a withered one, swaying in reminiscence.' A minor, yet important character featured in chapters 7-9 of the Black Chronicle, first appearing in 'Tragedy of Ballad the Poet' ( 'Shijin Ballad no Higeki'). Luna Ballad’s lover, he thought she was dead after they were separated in a certain battle, or so it was detailed in Nein. Some time after the separation he was called forth by the previously ruling Queen of Britannia to recite a poem that praises her beauty and power. Instead of doing exactly that, though, he mocked her with a certain passage: a supreme, blooming rose (the Queen) cannot match the beauty of the withered one in his memory (Luna).

Insulted, immediately orders his execution. The night before his death, he composed, which was heard by his jailor. The jailor was so fascinated by the song and sung it to his lover, who passed it on to everyone, and the song became popular throughout the country. Contrary to his belief, Luna is not dead yet, and is in fact still searching for him. It was that final song that guided her to his fate. •: And his lover is a, searching for him. •: His hometown and Luna’s was most likely destroyed in a war, which would explain their separation.

•: Depicted as having a wide-brimmed hat with fancy feathers on Nein’s regular cover art. •: As with his hat, he is also depicted as having this in Nein. •: Named after the mortal shepherd/prince from Classical Mythology whom the anthropomorphic goddess of the Moon fell in love with, just as his lover is named after said goddess. •: What his whole story is at its core, both in the original album and Nein. The latter example is rather jarring (and grating) because R.E.V.O.

Is supposedly trying to find a “happy” outcome to the tragic fates of previous horizons’ protagonists. •: The only track of which he is a protagonist in Chronicle is only an instrumental. Come Nein and he’s been voiced by a baritone. General Albers Alvarez ('Arbelge')/'The Silver Reaper'. 'Don't you ever forget the name of the man who will destroy you—' One of the main antagonists of 'The Holy War and The Reaper' arc. A former war prisoner from Preuzehn, its capital Offenburg specifically, he is drafted by the Emperor Childebert VI himself into his imperial army of Flanders.

The Emperor knows all too well of Gefenbauer's thirst for avenging his hometown, and uses it to his advantage in order to get rid of a certain 'Reaper'. •: Downplayed. Well, he is clearly a tough warrior.but his 'baritone' is the result of a synthetizer. This is actually Revo's technique of disguising himself during his. •: Offenburg.

•: From Alvarez, his nemesis. Both lost their hometown, wants to avenge their loss, equally ruthless, and are unwitting pawns of the Emperor. The only thing that separates them is that Alvarez came to realize that he is nothing but a pawn, dropped his bloodshed and came to atone for his mistakes, while Gefenbauer never cared a bit of his being used as a pawn and follows his quest for revenge through and through, culminating in his death. Basically, Gefenbauer is Alvarez sans. •: He managed to avenge his hometown by shooting Alvarez.in a heavily-guarded ceasefire meeting. Well, Gefenbauer succeeds, but he was naturally caught and murdered on the spot by security—in this case, Sir Parsifal, Queen Rose's bodyguard. •: He was so caught up in avenging Preuzehn that he is remiss of the implication that the Emperor is essentially using him as a tool to conquer more territories.

•: He has a good reason to cringe when Alvarez, nicknamed, told him to 'stay on the right path'. Isn't someone who makes mistakes. It's someone who knows their mistakes, but does not correct them.'

The Queen of Britannia, having known to hold the throne since track 5, 'Knights of the Rose' ( 'Bara no Kishidan'). She is the niece of the previous Queen, who was so infamous for her cruelty, Rose herself gave her the nickname. An optimist charismatic, she earnestly believes that she can become a beacon of hope for her people under the guidance of her Goddess, Brigid. •: Shot by Gefenbauer in 'Eiyuu no Fuzai' and almost struck dead by his sword hadn't Alvarez saved her.

Her energetic singing on the following track indicates she has completely recovered, without any medical complications implied. Perhaps Alvarez is that good of a medic? Logitech Extreme 3d Pro Pdf To Word.

•: She is still a little girl when her aunt died and she was appointed as successor to the Britannian throne. •: of a land called. Inherited the throne at a tender age after her less competent, female, predecessor died. Restored her country to a period of normalcy after years of unrest instigated by said predecessor. Bravely guided her people in a great war against a powerful empire. Hailed as a symbol of faith and nationalism.

Royal insignia is a rose. Anybody else reminded of? • Also, note her last name— Avalon. She is surrounded by knights with names such as 'Parsifal'/Percival and 'Tristram'/Tristan.

Rose is clearly a subtle homage to. •: Very wise, very charismatic, and loved by her people for her optimism and benevolence. No wonder she is nicknamed 'The Supreme Rose'. •: By necessity, as she did this to escape an oncoming siege to her castle by the Flandre Empire.

She disguises herself as the village girl who Gefenbauer shot at the battle in Whitehaven. •: She prefers people call her by her first name, not 'Her Majesty', courtesy of her conversation with Alvarez. For starters, she confidently vows in front of her people, who have for long been suffering under her predecessor's rule—who is her own aunt, no less—that she will lead her kingdom out of darkness. She also does not cower in the presence of Alvarez despite his reputation, instead commanding him (who is having a major moment) to bravely face his mistakes, as redemption does not equal death.

Also, not many royalties could maintain their charisma after being shot by an arrow until unconscious like she did. •: 'The Supreme Rose'.

•: Still a young girl, yet manages to relieve her people from the fear caused by her 's reign of terror. •: Nothing is told of her anymore after that botched ceasefire agreement which took Alvarez' life. Roberia Maria Della Firenza.

'A singing voice burning scarlet with passion, accompanied by a gorgeous figure— I am the greatest songstress!' One of the main characters of 'Shizunda Utahime', the 741st page of the eighth chapter of the Black Chronicle. Along with Giulietta Simone del Viscontie, Roberia is one of the contestants of King Alessandro I's singing contest,. Roberia is the more ambitious of the two and desires to win by any means necessary.

•: Roberia wants the throne of Itania, and will use every means available to get it, including falsely accusing a whole family of attempting to poison the King just to get rid of her competitor in a singing contest. •: She regards Giulietta as her main obstacle, even though the latter most likely. •: She does this after Giulietta is disposed of, which automatically makes her the winner of the singing contest and King Alessandro's bride. •: To Giulietta. Roberia is heavily implied to be a commoner, while Giulietta comes from a very old noble house. Giulietta is naive and childish, while Roberia is passionate, vicious and more mature.

Giulietta participates in the singing contest only to sing, while Roberia participates to win the position of Queen-Consort of Itania. •: She has no official artwork, but with her nickname being 'The Red Songstress', it's a clear indication that she would be this. In fact, many, many fan works depict her dressed head-to-toe in red.

•: Just after three years of reign as Queen-Consort, King Alessandro's mistress Beatrice and his Prime Minister Galeazzo disposed of Roberia through the same means she used to get rid of Giulietta and her family. •: Heavily implied. Unlike Giulietta, whose surname is a clear indication that she came from the of the Milanese branch of the, Roberia's only entailed her hometown, Firenza—this indicates that she is not of noble birth, as commoners either use their moniker or their birthplace as surnames in Renaissance Italy. Yet it seems that her family's got just the right amount of money to bribe people to believe that Giulietta's more powerful family schemed to poison the King, which would mean that they must be insanely rich to do so despite their implied status. •: Red to Giulietta's Blue.

She is scheming and aggressive, while Giulietta is naive and passive. •: To Giulietta in the singing contest. Their rivalry is, in fact, the whole plot of 'Shizunda Utahime'. •: 'Shizunda Utahime' is told mainly from Roberia's perspective. •: Roberia's brief conversation with her father during the narration sequence indicates that part of her motivation in winning the singing contest was to please him.

Giulietta Simone Del Viscontie. 'A singing voice brimming in azure with purity, accompanied by a serene smile— I am the greatest songstress!' Roberia's aforementioned rival in King Alessandro I's singing contest. In contrast to Roberia, Giulietta participates in the contest for its own sake. •: Noticeably downplayed, or even downright averted, especially if you compare her to Roberia. Giulietta does want to win, but she doesn't seem to use any other means to do so besides her voice.

•: After she threw herself off a cliff as an act of desperation to escape the angry swarm of mobs, she turns into The Sea Witch. •: Giulietta's surname indicates that she came from the Sound Horizon universe's of the Milanese branch of the. •: The songs she sing as the Sea Witch summon up deadly, ship-wrecking storms in the sea, of which Agnes is a victim. •: By 'Umi no Majo', Giulietta had transformed into the Sea Witch, meaning she can sing forever, which is what she has always wanted. Forever sing songs that can boil up fearful storms, destroy ships and generally lead people to their deaths, specifically.

•: 'Shizunda Utahime' is told mainly from Roberia's perspective, with Giulietta regarded as Roberia's main obstacle towards reaching her goal. •: To Roberia. Giulietta comes from a very old noble house, while Roberia is implied to be a commoner. Giulietta is naive and childish, while Roberia is passionate, vicious and more mature. Giulietta participates in the singing contest only to sing, while Roberia participates to win the position of Queen-Consort of Itania. •: The final narration sequence of 'Umi no Majo' is accompanied by her lonely humming. •: Blue to Roberia's Red.

Roberia is scheming and aggressive, while Giulietta is naive and passive. •: To Roberia in the singing contest. Their rivalry is, in fact, the whole plot of 'Shizunda Utahime'. •: The Sea Witch has all the attributes of a siren in common fantasy stories. Even though in the they are stated to be women with the body of birds, many fanworks depict Giulietta as a mermaid.

•: Giulietta has no official artwork, but her moniker is 'The Blue Songstress', plus she becomes the Sea Witch in 'Umi no Majo', further strengthening her connection with the color blue and the sea. Naturally, many fans would depict her being dressed head-to-toe in blue in art. 'I feel as if Thanatos is watching me from somewhere.' A mysterious girl who resides in an old, dusty attic.

Suffering from insomnia late at night, she fantasizes about the various ways in which her death may arrive by way of the toys strewn about her room, which became the basis of the album's branching storylines. She also appears in the bonus track of Pico Magic.

•: What she appears as in Nein. •: Played with. She has always felt like her life is meaningless and wants it to be ended quickly, yet is also reluctant to meet the eternal darkness.

In the end, this trope ultimately gets subverted as she decides to go on with her life. Her somber fantasies still go on, though. •: In 'Thanatos no Gensou wa Owaranai'. Note but then again, us, too.

Hiver's two dolls, who became his companions after his mother placed them on his coffin. Violette is associated with death, while Hortense is associated with life.

They reappear briefly in Nein's 7th track, 'Namida de wa Kesenai Honoo'. •: 'Soko ni Roman wa aru no kashira?' Note 'I wonder if a story exists there?' •: More prominently so in the live, where they move in a stilted, mechanical fashion, showing minimal facial expressions.. •: Even though Violette is the one associated with death and the dark of the night, she never shows any signs of being any creepier or more amoral than Hortense. The stories she collected actually deal more with the struggles of life than the ones Hortense did.

In fact, in the song Honoo, she's the one 'swaying with joy,' while Hortense is the one 'wet with sadness.' Then again, considering, there may be more than one way to interpret that. •: Dress in this. In the original live concert, their bow ties are replaced with. Cost Estimation Handbook Australian Mining Magnate. •: Each of the dolls has one in one of her cheeks. Violette's right cheek has a moon-shaped marking, while Hortense's left has a sun-shaped one.

•: Blond, twin? •: To Hiver in 'Asa to Yoru no Monogatari'. •.meanwhile, Hortense, despite being associated with life and the cheerfulness of the morning, collects some of the darkest stories of the album.

Ironically, it is the stories she collected that deal with death and loss the most. •: Though they're actually the embodiment of twin dolls given to the stillborn Hiver by his mother on his burial, so not technically robots as much as maybe, they still use very stilted and emotionless language, and the remix of 'Asa to Yoru no Roman' clearly has them singing in a mechanical voice, not to mention that in live performances, KAORI and YUUKI always perform them by moving in a stilted, mechanical matter. The Blond-Haired Laurant.

'Kill that bastard', so his arm throbbed. His unseen arm throbbed. The antagonist of 'Miezaru Ude'. He is the one who severed the Blond-Haired Laurant's arm, inadvertently plunging the latter into a life of misery and loneliness. Unbeknownst to him, however, the Red-Haired Laurant himself hasn't exactly been enjoying a life of glory and comfort. In the manga adaptation, he is named Flambeau, whereas in the novel, he is named Damien. •: After he loses his arm.

•: It is all but stated that he is also the man who ravaged Laurencin's village and abducted his friend. •: His eyes are as crimson as his hair. •: There must be a reason why his son is predicted to be the one who will bring Laurencin's into full circle, meaning he will also murder the latter the same way he did his father.

•: His flaming red hair and his apparent sadistic nature have been a source of nightmare for the Blond-Haired Laurant for quite some time. •: Moreso in the manga, where he's guilty of a lot more. There is a reason Laurencin wanted to kill him— he's the one who 'kidnapped' his childhood friend. •: Develops this for Ciel in the manga, leading to— •: Flambeau and his kidnappee, Ciel, proceed to marry/become lovers at some point after the latter's abduction, the union of which produced one son, Tyce. Laurencin is understandably shocked when he came to know this.

•: He ended up being in almost the exact circumstances as the man whose arm he lopped off, sans just one eye. On his first appearance he's just, and the second he tries to reveal more of his characterization he's unceremoniously killed by a stranger.

'The interweaving harmony of both joy and sadness.that is the flavor of my wine, and so is life.' The protagonist of the song 'Yorokobi to Kanashimi no Budoushu'.

A prolific winemaker, she was once a woman of a high-standing family who. Unfortunately, she had been engaged without her consent to a higher nobleman as part of her father's last-bid attempt to save the family fortune; the tragic consequence of her attempt to escape with her lover led her to become the solitary woman she is now. •: Her father is an authoritarian man who values his reputation above all else and her stepmother is a vain who can't afford to care properly for her. •: Predictably, she opposes this, prompting her (first) attempt to run away.

•: Manga!Loraine delivers two of these to her haughty suitor, one across each cheek. •: After running away from her family and possibly murdering her lover's assassin she considers herself to be unfit for love, and decides to dedicate herself to making wine for the rest of her life.

•: She and the unnamed bride in Elysion are implied to be the same person. This is also the interpretation the manga adaptation takes. •: Her biological mother in the manga, Anne. In contrast to her stepmother, she is a generous, down-to-earth woman. •: Not so much evil as she is neglectful—Loraine's stepmother marries her father only for the riches and is never shown caring about anything other than that.

•: Gets to wear a number of fancy mid-18th century dresses in the manga. ◊ is one of them. •: She was born into this sort of family, which is why her father insists that she marry a rich man rather than the poor vineyard-worker whom she truly loves. •: is the name of a region in France famous for its vineries. •: Loraine is a noblewoman who cannot stand being a mere political tool of her father.

In the end she chose to run away from her family and cast aside all that remains of her former life to continue her lover's legacy as a simple winemaker. •: She already has a lover who is a humble vineyard caretaker, but then is forced to marry a nobleman of higher standing. She chose to run away with the former only to have him killed in front of her eyes. Then she decided to run away from her own wedding as well. •: Implied in the song, definitely the case in the manga.

•: In the manga she is a feisty, strong-willed girl with and forest-green eyes. •: She cuts her hair short to disguise herself after murdering the Masked Man. •: With the servant (named Neige in the manga). Who should a weakling such as I hate? Ah, somebody.tell me.'

The album's heroine. She was at first only a normal Spanish girl born from a Muslim father and a Christian mother until the Reconquista broke out in her homeland and the respective opposing forces of her parents' religions. Refusing to remain in the dangerous warzone, she recklessly decided to escape her hometown,.

A patrolling soldier mistook her for an enemy and shot her with a flamed arrow, by which she ended up getting knocked down to a mysterious cave where a certain demon dwells. •: Her post-transformation clothes comes absolutely nowhere near 14th century fashion, though it's justified considering she's basically an (mostly) immortal demon now. •: A Girl and Her Ancient Demon. Though her case is arguably far less heartwarming than most examples listed in the trope's page. •: Her decision to escape her was clearly made in an instant—she only had herself and the clothes on her back. Thankfully, it came with a of its own.

•: She made a contract with Shaytan to become immortal, at first only to save her own life, but as she spent more time with him she came to realize that she could use him and the newfound power he gave her to put an end to the Reconquista itself. •: Formed a pact with Shaytan to transform herself into one of his kind in her dying breath. Unlike most examples, though, she is the one who chose to be transformed herself and did so without any hints of desperation whatsoever.