01 Jan 2000
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Remington 572 Serial Numbers

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 16/11/17
Remington 572 Serial Numbers

Examine the barrel of the Smith & Wesson pistol. Caligula 1979 The Imperial Edition Uncut Gemstones on this page. Locate either 'Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts' or 'Smith & Wesson; Houlton, ME' stamped on the barrel. This identification proves that the handgun is an authentic Smith & Wesson pistol. Locate the serial number on the left side of the pistol's frame. The standard location for the serial number is above the trigger guard. Some serial numbers are located underneath the frame in front of the trigger guard.

The 572 was introduced in 1955. I believe that serial numbers weren't required on firearms until sometime in the '60s, so it's possible that Remington didn't use them. I have a 1974 Fieldmaster 572. How To Install Fm Modulator Antenna Direct Connection on this page. There's a serial number on the left side of the receiver. There's also a date code on the left side of the barrel,.

Remington 572 Serial Numbers

Others are on the rear of the frame, above the gun's grip.