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Инструкция По Эвакуации Людей Для Паспорта Безопасности

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 10/01/18

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Инструкция По Эвакуации Людей Для Паспорта Безопасности

Submitted over 1 year Ago by INTELDILIGENCE As a follow up to yesterday terrorist incidents in Brussels, the US State Department has launched the following travel alert: Europe Travel Alert The State Department alerts U.S. Citizens to potential risks of travel to and throughout Europe following several terrorist attacks, including the March 22 attacks in Brussels claimed by ISIL. Terrorist groups continue to plan near-term attacks throughout Europe, targeting sporting events, tourist sites, restaurants, and transportation. This Travel Alert expires on June 20, 2016. Citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using mass transportation.

Be aware of immediate surroundings and avoid crowded places. Exercise particular caution during religious holidays and at large festivals or events. Citizens should also: Follow the instructions of local authorities, especially in an emergency. Monitor media and local information sources and factor updated information into personal travel plans and activities.

Be prepared for additional security screening and unexpected disruptions. Stay in touch with your family members and ensure they know how to reach you in the event of an emergency. Register in our Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). European governments continue to guard against terrorist attacks and conduct raids to disrupt plots. We work closely with our allies and will continue to share information with our European partners that will help identify and counter terrorist threats. The State Department issues Travel Warnings to recommend postponing travel to a country because of widespread civil unrest, dangerous conditions, terrorist activity or, in some cases, because the U.S. Has no diplomatic relations with the country and may have great difficulty in assisting U.S.

Citizens in distress. Travel Alerts disseminate information quickly about terrorist threats or other relatively short-term or transnational conditions that could pose significant risks to you and affect your travel plans. Embassies and consulates send out security or emergency messages to alert U. Ati Radeon Hdmi Driver Windows 7. S. Citizens to fast-breaking events, such as demonstrations, coups, approaching storms, and crime. Last week, the US Department of State has also issued a Travel Warning for Turkey. Please find it presented below: Turkey Travel Warning The U.S.

Department of State warns U.S. Citizens of increased threats from terrorist groups throughout Turkey and to avoid travel to southeastern Turkey. Due to threats from international and indigenous groups, U.S. Citizens should exercise caution when traveling throughout the country. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning dated February 29, 2016. Recent terrorist attacks from international and indigenous groups have targeted popular tourist sites, U.S.

Government buildings, police, and other local authorities throughout Turkey. The threat of kidnapping remains a concern, especially in the southeast. There have been incidents of cross-border shelling from Syria into Turkey. For your safety: Avoid travel to southeastern Turkey, particularly near the Syrian border. Stay away from large crowds, including at popular tourist destinations.

Exercise heightened vigilance and caution when visiting public access areas, especially those heavily frequented by tourists. Stay away from political gatherings and rallies. Follow the instructions of local authorities in an emergency. Monitor local media.

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