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Install Checkpoint Gaia Virtualbox Usb

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 16/11/17

Same here, I'm getting the 'Error 102 (netERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) Unknown error.' Firefox and IE do not work either. This is not an all the time thing, it only happens from time to time, chrome and the others work fine most of the time. My internet connection is still on and receiving packets. Digsby IM and uTorrent still work even when chrome doesn't. Restarting the wireless connection does not solve the problem, but restarting windows works every time.

I'm using Chrome version Windows Vista Home Premium on a Sony Viao Laptop Zone-alarm firewall with windows automatic updates on and up to date It used to be much worse but mysteriously got better and happens a lot less often now, but it is still very annoying. Craig Brake 9.12.09. I just installed Google Chrome and when trying to use it I'm getting Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error. I've tried different things to resolve the issue also tried following the suggestions shown on this page but to no avail. I was thinking, why should I touch LAN connection settings where in fact my internet is working via firefox and IE. Maybe it has something to do with it's components and so I did follow to put a check mark on 'Automatically detect settings' but still I'm getting nowhere. I'm using McAfee enterprise and what I did is disable the 'Access Protection' and google chrome works fine.

I tried to play around doing some combination leaving McAfee ON but it goes down again. But as soon as I turn McAfee OFF, it works fine. Then I guess this all boils down to security. Whatever security software you might be using, check to see if by turning it off would make a difference. Toni (Googler) 15.3.10. I'm also having this same problem, and i do believe it happened after i installed the 'google sidebar' (which i then deleted after i saw that i kept getting the 102 error!) i changed proxy to 'automatically detect', i deleted cookies, i scanned my comp for viruses etc.all to no avail:( i dont know wat to do.how do i go about reversing any changes that happened on my comp that might have caused this error 102?? I also have mcafee virusScan, and have IE as well, which loads pages fine:/:( any help wud be greatly appreciated!

Install Checkpoint Gaia Virtualbox Usb

Coolwicked 25.3.10. I have done everything on here, from lan settings( they are and were correct), to clearing cache and cookies, to re-installing Chrome. I have been unable to do systerm restore however.

Even after I have run malware removers, and even in safe mode. I love chrome and want to start to use it again. I do use AVG Anti-Virus, but I use that on my laptop and Chrome works frine. Explorer also does not work. Only connect on AOL and Yahoo Messenger.

Please note that most of these Brand Names are registered Trade Marks, Company Names or otherwise controlled and their inclusion in this index is. Apr 26, 2013. This article assumes basic to intermediate networking knowledge and good familiarity with CheckPoint products using VMware 'VM'. Both the CheckPoint firewall and management server are using GAiA R75.45. For the purpose of this article I will assume that the following is already in place,.

Install Checkpoint Gaia Virtualbox Usb

Why do these work when Chrome and Explorer will not?? Ripple67 3.4.10. Have today found that my two browsers will not work, they come up with the following error messages. Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error. Loaded Mozilla Firefox and everything works ok on this browser. Searched on google for problem and read through all the links and altered settings as recommended, including reisnstalling. But still no success.

Have tried setting to default, removing cookies and history, clearing all the buttons in Lan setting but still to no avail. Infact have tried everything in the google postings, with the exception of giving up.

Will keep on crawling the web for help and trying different ideas that are offered. Find fire fox slow compared to Google chrome. Bestpep 13.4.10. I Experienced the same problem with Chrome Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error. I had this problem, uninstalling and reinstalling did not help. Here's what i did to make it work: 1.

Press the wrench button in top right corner 2. Choose 'Options' 3. Go to 'Under the hood' tab 4. You will see the button 'Change proxy settings', press it 5. In the new window, at the bottom there will be a button 'LAN settings', press it 6. You will see 3 check boxes.

Mark the first one ('Automatically detect settings'), and UNMARK the third one ('Use proxy for LAN) now it works juliet0068000 27.4.10. I have been having the same problem. Firefox and Internet Explorer work fine but I cannot get Google Chrome to work.

I have adjusted the proxy settings, there are no cookies, my Windows Fire Wall allows for Google Chrome to come through. I have SpyBot on my computer and AVG protection, but I have had all of those since September 2009 and never had a problem until a couple days go. I have restarted my system, deleted/uninstalled the program and redowloaded, as well as read many things on blogs/forums to help me and nothing has work. None of the commands to put or anything and I am getting very frustrated.

I have have Window Vista and honestly am not that great with computers besides basic functions so I am getting really annoyed by trying so many things to no avail. Bestpep 27.4.10. Ughh, could you guys not repeat the same msg over and over about the 'uncheck proxy, check automatic detect'? We get it I have tried just about every suggestions on here and still neither my IE or chrome works. However, windows update, aim and a few other things are still able to connect. I have tried - Check automatic detect and make sure proxy uncheck (duhh!

U guy only repeat it 20 times) - Reset the IE setttings - Temporary uninstall/disable all antivirus and firewall including windows firewall Still no luck Teeny57 3.5.10. @Toni (Googler) Below are my specs, and I find after all the help (chaning proxy settings, winsock repair, and reinstalling chrome, turning off anti-virus, toggling firewall and checking that a exception is in place for chrome) that I still cannot get Chrome to work correctly. I am able to use IE and Firefox, so I know my wireless is working, but Chrome keeps on getting the Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED); error. Google Chrome version (45376) Symantec Antivirus Windows Vista Home Premium Widows Firewall I have tried all the suggested changes found in this forum post, but I am still encountering the issue, and cannot use chrome. @V0RT3X I agree, please people it is awesome that your Chrome works when you change the proxy settings, but that is not working for everyone with this issue.

Bts274 6.5.10. I'm using Chrome version 5.0.375.29 beta I keep getting this error: 'Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error.' On some pages, but not others. The page throws this error As does This is a show-stopper for me. Back to Firefox until Google manages to sort out this problem. Also, the proxy configuration method in Ubuntu (10.04) sucks. Why should I have to manually edit /etc/environment to set my proxy?

You'd think by manually editing ~/.bashrc would be enough, but no, some Google engineer thinks he knows better. Seriously, I want to use Chrome - the Flash integration and the speed/threading features are the killer functionalities.

I would have expected better from Google. Karna731 12.5.10. Blair (Googler) has posted an answer to the question 'Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error': Hey everybody, For those of you still experiencing this issue, please follow the steps below to give us more information. Click on one of the following links to download a test-build version of Google Chrome: Download for Windows (select (mini_installer.exe”): Download for Mac: 2 Open Chromium: Windows: Extract the zip file. When that is complete, go to Start >All Programs >Chromium. Mac: Save and open the chrome-mac.zip file, which will unzip it into a folder.

Open the folder, and open Chromium. Navigate to “chrome://net-internals/#tests” 4.

Enter the URL that failed to load (or any random URL like if it fails on all URLs) and click “Start tests.” 5. The results of various experiments are shown in a table. Copy all of the results in the table and paste them into a reply on this thread. ~~~~~~~~Have tried to download the link, but being on dial up it fails every time~~~~~~~~ bestpep 13.5.10. Alrright, I'm having the same issues as you guys, I had the rogue virus called antispyware soft (it basically makes you believe your computer is under attack and doesn't let you run anything), and I removed it manually (Not a pro, followed a guide on what files/registries to delete) after that everything went back to normal except GC and IE, FF works fine. Im using windows vista, before the virus GC worked perfect. I've tried everything that has been mentioned above, if anyone has had this virus and had this problem and was able to fix it, please tell me exactly what you did.

Atomkpadhy 23.5.10. Hi Blair, Here are my test results.

I've tried all the other recommended answers on here. I'm using a brand new laptop (which I've had for 2 days), loaded with Kaspersky Internet Security 2010. IE and Firefox work fine but google chrome comes up with the error. Any more help please!!!?? Hi Toni (Googler) Thanks for replying! I tried disabling Kaspersky but it doesn't help, I also tried running the test again with Kaspersky off but the result was the same. Any other ideas gratefully received, I can see no reason why it wouldn't work.

As I said it's a brand new laptop, practically nothing loaded on it. Hey, I just experienced this bucket of fun 'Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error' with Chrome and Firefox not loading any webpages too. IE, however was working fine. I checked the LAN settings and verified that it was NOT configured for proxy server, checked 'automatically detect settings' = no change.

What finally scratched the cat was to disable Zonealarm and enable Windows firewall instead. Now, Chrome and Firefox are working fine. Hope this helps if you're having the same issue. By the way, if you recognize 'connection refused' as a Winsock non-error message, I don't think they're related. I didn't have to reset the Winsock catalog. Just so's you know.


Nothing else we can do until the Chrome team sort it out. So guys, please fix it for us! Mind you this is only happening because i keep getting Internet Explorer 8 crashing when displaying certain flash content. So it's their fault too!! Jawadahmed 6.6.10. Ok I'm the the genius in computers but I like to learn and hate to read.

But I found the solution to my problem. For some reason seems like most applications that access the internet take the settings from your IE (Internet Explorer) so when it has a little problem with it's setting it throws all the other programs and some other browsers that share that same settings off. For Chrome I went to Settings >Under the Hood (tab), and went down to 'Network'.

Setup proxy to connect to the network. [ Change proxy Settings] It opens a window and to the bottom of that window there is a [LAN Settings.] button. For some reason the 'Automatic configuration was not selected select it and do the same to IE browser.

See if it solves your problem too.:D It sure fixed mine. I thought it was some problem with Windows Registry Keys. Kt-claire 12.6.10. IE is working but not GC, FF and Opera. I am using XP Home on a NetTop I was trying the things above but sumthing is still wrong Then I noticed that windows security is still detecting my previously uninstalled Norton 360 firewall, apparently it wasn't removed properly. So one of these solved it for me: -Reinstalling the google chrome but unchecking the Import anything option from Internet Explorer on the advanced options -Downloading a Norton 360 installer to fix and uninstall my previous Norton 360 firewall SirThinkALot 29.6.10.

I've tried just about everything suggested here and elsewhere for resolving the error 102 that plagued me since May 2009. It's only today on 7/2/10 that I read on this forum about using a tool for the complete removal of Norton products and IE 7 as well as Chrome miraculously came alive for me on a system that uses Win XP and from which I had 'uninstalled' Norton 14 months ago. It's a good thing that I could still use an older version of Firefox (although none of its last 3 updates). Thank you ever so much for posting that fix.

By the way, the first removal tool that I downloaded from Norton was for newer versions of it and it was only after I cliked on a shortcut for installing an alternative removal tool that I succeeded in removing it after 14 months of wasted efforts. The link is:? Open&docid=162039&nsf=tsgeninfo.nsf&view=docid Nougat 2.7.10. I had the problem where firefox worked but IE and Chrome wouldn't. I looked at ever box I could find for proxy settings and they were all set to say not to use a proxy. So finally I got sick enough of firefox tonight I went digging through my registry searching for proxy. I changed HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings ProxyEnable from a 1 to a 0.

This fixed my problem for both IE and Chrome. You can run regedit.exe which is already on your computer as a part of windows to find and change this. Divanushkerz 5.7.10. THNAKS ALOT REALLY APPRECIATE IT! THIS WORKS THANKS TO @2drama @2drama this ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!!! 100 percent!!! Experienced the same problem with Chrome Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): Unknown error.

I've searched endless over the net to find a fix for this! I've got a similar problem, however the problem only began AFTER I initially downloaded GC. After doing so, the certain pages I'm trying to access won't even open on Firefox, Safari OR Chrome! Im certain its not a problem with the sites themselves as clearly tells me its not down for everyone and that it is indeed just me. Most of the fixes suggested on this page are irrelevant to me as Im running a Mac (OS X 10.5.8 to be exact). So half of the mentioned tabs and options and changes I need to make to my Proxies or LAN aren't even available to begin with! I've tried eliminating Chrome all-together to see if that would restore the other browsers at least and no luck.

I tried re-installing it to see if starting fresh would help and yet again, no luck! From my abundant research on this problem it seems like something Chrome has been experiencing for quite a while now and seems like it should already be fixed. Its really quite an inconvenience- especially with such minimal help for Mac users. JesInCO 24.7.10.

In my case Internet Explorer 8 works but not Firefox or Google Chrome. (I got the latest:6 something).

I had an attack of Trojans several months ago and didn't get the internet for 3 or 4 months, but it has been running smoothly since I had a scf /scannow with my Windowns XP CD inserted when I was prompted. I can download but not update.

I suspect a bad Rootkit or even one of my Registry cleaner deleted a DLL! Google Update always come up with the Event ID:20. I Googled it, but I couldn't find a fix for it yet. Apparently maybe something is blocking my updates (Avira, QuickTime and Google update and any other application). But Google Chrome, and Firefox work eprfectly on my older computer!

And Avira updates very well too! I tried to check on this computer for the Windows Firewall, but to no avail. And Avira is not blocking anything. I'm compelled to download the new product on my older computer to install on this! Very frustrating!

Farha1 24.7.10. This worked for me: I am on Windows XP; IE8 works, Chrome did not. In my case all of the LAN Settings are unchecked. The problem was the Firewall (Norton 360 V2), even when disabling the Norton 360 Firewall and enabling the Windows Firewall, Chrome was still blocked by Norton. I went to Norton 360 Settings ->Firewall Protection ->Program Rules, from which I removed Chrome (Before removal make a note of the path to Chrome.exe). Than add the rule again: Norton will ask to select the program, follow the path to Chrome.exe (You might need to check Show Hidden Program or System Files in Windows Explorer: ) New Program Rule settings: Action Allow: Connections to and from other computers, Any computer, All protocols, (Tracking no setting), Description: Chrome Hit OK and the rule should appear in the Program Rules again.

Now close all Norton windows and start Chrome, which worked again in my case. From some earlier reactions I get the impression that a similar action might also work for other Browsers and Firewall programs. I think this is no uncommon behaviour for Firewalls as I had a similar experience with another program a while back.

Bloodthurster 2.8.10. ALTERNATE SOLUTION FOUND! I had this same problem, neither IE 8 nor Google Chrome worked while Safari mysteriously did. It drove me crazy for about 5 hours while i searched and searched and searched the internet for a solution. It wasn't a proxy issue, wasn't a firewall issue, wasn't a winsock issue, and suprisingly wasnt even an issue with IE 8 (nobody likes you internet explorer).

The whole thing was driving me mad. Then, i came accross something interesting: i already knew that Norton was junk, but i didn't know that after uninstalling it, there may be software conflicts left over. I used the free norton removal tool () and rebooted. IT WAS FIXED!!!

Chrome and ie both work now! Happy4u 10.8.10. Found a working solution. I had the Error 102 (net::err_connection_refused): Unknown error. Showing in google chrome after removing some malware, think it was virtumuolo and virtumonde.prx. After spybot removed them and I rebooted google chrome displayed this error whenever i tried to search for a page; same issues in IE and FF but different error messages. I could still use my msn and my steam acct though without issue and even play certain online games.

What worked for me was opening the run prompt: - Hold 'Start' Key on keyboard and press 'R' key. A Run prompt box should appear.

(Alternately click Start button on start menu and scroll to the far right quadrant and up and choose Run. Type cmd in the text box and press enter. You should open a virtual dos prompt window (command prompt) Type the following without the quotes: 'netsh winsock reset' >Press Enter key. Restart your PC and it should be working again. This worked for me using WinXP 32bit.

Hope this helps some manbeastjoe 12.8.10. @happy4u Well the problem didn't start, although i didnt realize it, until i uninstalled my expired version of Norton using the add/remove programs feature in the control panel.

I went to bed right after and it didnt even register as a possible reason the next morning when chrome and ie were down. So i was using avira as my firewall, and disabling that and even uninstalling it (i was desperate) would not solve the problem. After five hours of trying pretty much everything, i came accross the fact that windows can't really uninstall Norton completely using the add/remove programs, and i remembered my uninstallation of Norton the previous night. So i completely uninstalled Norton using the removal tool and i was amazed when i realized that chrome and ie were resurrected after a reboot. Sithslayer 17.8.10. Every time I tried to load Google Chrome, I received the message Error 102 (netERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED).

After trying most of the fixes in various forums, I eventually found the problem. I have McAfee Security Centre on my laptop, and to resolve the problem I did the following: Opened the MSC window, selected Firewall, then Settings. Selected Program Permissions, selected Add, used Browse to navigated to where the Google Chrome program was stored, then added it. Ensure the Access option says Full. Google Chrome should now work!

Joannaaperezz 6.9.10. I started receiving this error for google adwords and having some other issues with misc.

I went through most of the steps here, checking for malware/viruses - checking LAN settings - Clearing Cache - Removing recent updates - Then I checked my router from another computer and it had no issues - At first I thought it was spyware or trojan horse, but after looking through some of my programs I realized that late one night I found this little AD BLOCKER program that added popular annoying adsites to my HOST file in order to block them. After looking through this file - Found on Win 7 - C: -->WINDOWS -->SYSTEM32 -->DRIVERS -->ETC -->HOSTS and opened with NOTEPAD to find that I had unintentionally blocked myself from these sites!

Embarrassing but hopefully this solution will help someone else out - the program I am using is AD Police - but I am sure there are other programs that do the same thing - all it does is add Blocked IP addresses to a file for windows to disallow So if you have tried all else and failed - check out your host file and CTRL F to see if your problem site is listed there. G'Luck williams7187 15.9.10. I'm not sure if this will help anyone but it solved my problem. FYI - i'm running windows 7 professional (x86). After removing malware from my computer (running norton, malwarebytes, spybot, rkill, etc.) chrome would not load pages. I received the Error 102 message.

Internet explorer had the same problems and only firefox would run correctly. I tried changing the proxy setting described here, however, nothing changed. My fix came whenever I unchecked the box for using a proxy server, which i obviously don't. In simpler terms; 1. Open chrome and go to options. Under the hood, network, change proxy settings.

Connections, LAN settings. Check automatically detect settings, uncheck use automatic configuration script, and uncheck use a proxy server for your LAN. Let me know if this works for you hola2011 21.9.10. This is a chrome 'ERR 102 Connection Refused' problem. Actually this is not only chrome.

I've got an XP. Chrome and firefox did not work in regular mode with http. However, they worked with https. Also, they worked in safe mode.

IE and AOL's explorer worked without any problem. Tried every possible suggestion on this blog.

Did not work. Finally, Go to Add/Remove Programs on Control Panel, Remove Norton Personal Firewall from your computer. My Norton Personal Firewall was disabled. It was not enough.

Apparently, it stays as one of the LSP' s, i.e. Layered Service Providers, and provides you the 'service'. Even disabled, it intercepts the traffic.

Btjk88 11.10.10. Hi, I was having the same problem (Error 102).

I tried everything incl uninstall & reinstall but it didn't work. But since my IE was working i thought this is not connection problem. So I checked my firewall settings.

I use Mcafee Total Protection. Under the program access in Firewall setting, access for Google Chrome was 'Block'. I changed it to 'Full' access & bingo.it's working fine. So if your other browsers are working, check your firewall setting.somehow google chrome was blocked.hope this helps.:) LindseyK75 11.11.10. Lmao - apparently I forgot that I had had this error message this summer - I searched every page in this discussion and only my own advice worked. Just a reminder that if you're a McAfee user, this worked for me: IE was working, Chrome was not.

None of the Proxy stuff above worked - my problem was my firewall. I use McAfee - I brought that up, clicked FIREWALL >SETTINGS >RESTORE DEFAULTS. Seems I 'had a new internet connection' and had to 'assign it'. Chrome is again working on my pc. JF23 20.11.10. I have been going through this same problem for a few days now. It seems there's a virus, Search Tool that corrupts files on your comupter, it halts internet connections and disables other downloads, such as anti-virus software and norton.

I'm able to access only one website and that's facebook (Go figure) and that's it. I was able to reinstall google chrome, after i restored my system, i lost all my bookmarks and i still have this problem. Using a different computer i downloaded norton anti-virus, but because search tool is malware, i'm in the processing of downloading spybot search and destroy. Halloweenpsycho Windows 8 Pro Activation Key here. It's free and it's certified software. Use your USB to download the file form another comupter. 1.When the dowload starts it will ask to run, save, or cancel.

2.Save it to your USB and once the program is done, do not run it, just view it in the folder to make sure the icon is visable 3. Plug in your USB drive to the infected computer, run Spybot and see if it can wipe out the virus 4. Search Tool is invisable in files. You can't see it so, once it's on your computer, it's hard to get rid of it. I'd also check the online proxy server; if you have numbers like chances are, it's malware virus, uncheck those boxes, this may help.

I haven't been able to try this step yet. I really hope this helps anyone who has this problem!

Gsmims 23.11.10. LindseyK75 said: 'lmao - apparently I forgot that I had had this error message this summer - I searched every page in this discussion and only my own advice worked. Just a reminder that if you're a McAfee user, this worked for me: IE was working, Chrome was not. None of the Proxy stuff above worked - my problem was my firewall. I use McAfee - I brought that up, clicked FIREWALL >SETTINGS >RESTORE DEFAULTS. Seems I 'had a new internet connection' and had to 'assign it'.

Chrome is again working on my pc.' LindseyK75, THANK YOU! Your answer was so simple and, more importantly, WORKED! My problem started after my power went out while I was working on the computer. I re-installed Chrome, did all the other LAN settings everyone is suggesting, reset Internet Properties settings and nothing worked. Took me two seconds to follow your advice and it's working again! Sancho1007 2.12.10.

My Solution to Error 102. When Winsock corrupts, the networking errors that you may face include unable to surf the Internet with “Page cannot be displayed” error message in Internet Explorer/Firefox/Chrome or AOL even though the DSL/ADSL/cable Internet connection is connected. Sometimes, Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is terminated as well. To repair and reset the Windows Vista 1. Click on Start button. Type Cmd in the Start Search text box. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter keyboard shortcut to run Command Prompt as Administrator.

Allow elevation request. Active Ultra Plus Diaper. Type netsh winsock reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key. Restart the computer.

What netsh winsock reset command does are it resets Winsock Catalog to a clean state or default configuration. It removes all Winsock LSP (Layered Service Providers) previously installed, including the potential malfunctioned LSP that causes loss of network packets transmission failure. So all previously-installed LSPs must be reinstalled. This command does not affect Winsock Name Space Provider entries. *NOTE: Kindly note that this may not work for everyone and is a possible solution after working for me on a clients computer.

Antoniabeatrice 6.12.10. I still have the same problem, and here's the log of what was done: Laptop HP pavilion with Vista and wireless linksys connection.

I've got the same problem as everyone else (none of my browsers work not outlook either but windows update, limewire etc. Can connect and D/L ) I noticed it immediately after a windows update was installed so after some fighting with it I ended up doing a system restore, that fixed it for a minute but since the updates were already downloaded it instantly starts to reinstall them since I had auto-install set when the restore point was made and I can't turn it off fast enough to stop it after the restore. Anyway it appears to be a problem with one of the MS security updates. After many hours of fighting this thing I'm stuck now - Thanks Microsoft.

I'm sick of this kind of sh** I think I'll get a Mac next time. Donkz 30.6.09. I know lots are being plagued by this predicament of 'Error 2 (net::ERR_FAILED): Unknown error.'

And here is the solution I achieved in Vista Firewall. When adding a rule, Vista typically uses variables in its file path, such that the following being Chrome's rule path:%USERPROFILE% AppData Local Google Chrome Application chrome.exe But when I convert the file path to be more 'direct' like: C: Users MYUSERNAME AppData Local Google Chrome Application chrome.exe It works! I am sure other OS users facing the same problem will find the above solution competent. Zezolock 7.7.09. There is no easy fix if you have had this message referring to the windows update that has totally screwed up everyone's computers.

I talked to the Sony Reps for about 6 hours all and all, 5 different people. If you run vista in safe mode with networking, and do a system restore before the restore, like a previous person noted, it automatically starts downloading the very same corrupted or just plain evil update which then is installed and wreckes your comp all over again. I have done 6 system restores so far, and the last sony guy just told me to wipe the system and start over. This is only if it is the windows update problem causing this problem. SyLuka 31.8.09.

Also, please explain some more context. Pretend I know nothing about Check Point software (the person who can answer you, may not). When you say 'version up', I assume you mean 'version upgrade'?

When you say 'I command upgrade cd', please explain what this means in more depth. Is it a screen that loads after you boot the iso image? Where is the error message coming from? Is it coming from Check Point? From virtual box? Yes, this is a lot of work, but thats what it takes to get an answer from someone volunteering their time to you for free.

– Feb 3 at 8:26.